Fifty One

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Grey froze completely. Rae stood at the doorway. She didn't really know what to do.

"Grey..." she said softly.

"I'm going crazy..." he breathed, not turning around. "Damn you Hadley for bringing it up."

"You're only crazy for thinking all this," she pointed at her broken ankle and scars on her face. "Is your fault and staying here." she slowly started to walk over to him. Grey grabbed his head.

"This isn't real. It's not fucking real. You're not here."

"Grey... I am here." she placed her hand on his shoulder, and he tensed up. Rae moved her hand away and frowned.

"You don't want me here do you?" Suddenly, a side door burst open.

"I made more tea!" Mackenzie announced, balancing a teapot and two teacups in her hands. When she saw Grey and Rae she froze. "Oh... are you here to order tea? Because the shop is closed. Grey, are you okay?"

"Uhm... no." Rae shook her head.

"Kenzie... is she actually here?" he closed his eyes in pain.

"What? Is who here? That girl?" Kenzie tiltled her head. "Yes she's definitely here... why?" She paused. "Ohhhhhh this is Rae!" She exclaimed. "Oh. Right yeah I can remember you telling me... whoopsies. Do you want me to leave you alone or something? I can leave the tea here." Grey finally turned around and saw her.

"You're... you're here. How...? Why?"

"I'm here. I'm here to bring you back." Rae said, looking into his eyes. "I'm here to tell you that nothing is your fault."

"I'm... just going to go... out the back..." Kenzie said and quickly going back through the door she came in.

"After all that happened..." Grey sat in a chair. "Why did you come back? How did you come back?"

"Jay and Carlos found out where you were when they brought a helm for Hayley- Hadley or whatever her name is, when I could leave the hospital I insisted on coming here and Jay and Mal came with me. I came back for you, Grey." Rae walked towards him.

"Why?" He asked again, his head down. "Why would you bother coming back for the guy that is responsible for your injuries?"

"You are not responsible for my injuries. You didn't inflict them on me so stop saying that. Please. I came back for you because I wanted to." Rae paused and took a deep breath. "Because I love you." she said slowly. His head snapped up almost instantly.


"I love you, Greyson Gothel." she repeated. He stood up.

"Say it again."

"I love you Gre-" in one rapid movement he pulled her close to him and kissed her. She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you too." he rested his forehead against hers.

"You have no idea how happy those words make me." she smiled, kissing him again. "It makes it all worth it. Please. You have to come back." She begged. "And if you don't, I'll stay here."

"Okay. I'll come back." he nodded.

"Wait. You're actually going to come back?"

"I can't fucking say no to you and there's no way in the Underworld I would even consider anything that would make you stay here." he said, looking into her eyes.

"Then let's go back to Auradon." Rae smiled, kissing his cheek. "Are there any goodbyes you need to make?"

"Yeah, actually." he said. "Kenzie?" He called. The redhead stumbled into the room.

[𝟔] 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ( descendants ) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now