Thirty Eight

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A rush of pain shot through Rae's body as her eyelids groggily opened. She winced and slowly, her surroundings barely came into view. It was very dark and stony, she couldn't really see much. She tried to move, but discovered that her wrists and ankles were tightly tied to something... a chair? She looked around again and struggled to free herself. It didn't work.

"That won't work." a female voice said from the shadows. The sudden voice made Rae jump.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" she tried to seem confident but really she was bubbling with terror. There was a cackle.

"Why, you're as fragile as a flower. You look just like your mother," a frizzy black haired lady walked out of the shadows. "And act like her too," she took a lock of Rae's brown hair. "Trying to be brave." she shook her head. Rae's eyes widened.

"You..." she breathed, trying to flick her hair away from the woman.

"I see you've figured it out," the woman cackled again. "I am Madame Gothel."

"You're a monster." Rae spat. "How are you even alive?" She asked.

"I'm surprised you're asking that just now." Gothel said. "After meeting my son. I assume my daughter told you the story of the birds and the bees."

"She's not your daughter." Rae said harshly and then stopped. "Wait... how do you know... I met Grey?"

"Oh sweetie, we know everything about you and my son." Gothel said.

"We?" Rae questioned.

"Yes." a cold voice echoed through the room. "We, Raelynn Fitzherbert," a horned figure emerged from the shadows. "We know everything about you and Greyson. Including the fact you're..." she choked a bit as if disgusted. "You're involved romantically." The figure fully revealed herself.

"M-Maleficent...?" Rae stuttered. She had lost all confidence and fear had taken over now.

"Yes darling, the Mistress of All Evil." said Maleficent, running a nail across Rae's cheek and smiling evilly. "And we have a lot to talk about. I'm sure you want to know how you got here."

"Well yeah an explanation would be nice." Rae nodded. "Though it's impossible for you to be nice."

"She's a smart one." Maleficent cackled. "Your son has good taste."

"Like your daughter?" Gothel growled but paled at Maleficent's glare.

"Can we get back to how I got here?" I'm still confused. I get that you're the 'worst villains of all'," she said mockingly. "But I'd at least appreciate knowing how I got to... the Isle... I'm guessing." As soon as she finished that statement, Rae felt a sharp sting on her cheek and her head moved forcibly to the right.

"I do not appreciate being made fun of. I will not tolerate a little prissy brat making fun of me." Maleficent growled. She then dug a nail into Rae's cheek and moved it down, drawing blood. "Do that again and the consequences will be severe, you understand you little shit?" Rae winced and her breath caught in her throat.

"Yes... I-I understand ma'am... y-you're majesty... uh... I'm sorry." A single tear rolled down her cheek. She could feel the blood mixing with her tear. It was awful.

"Good girl." Maleficent patted her on the cheek and wiped the blood on the girl's dress. "So, how you got here... Greyson and Dizzy weren't the only ones sent to the isle... we also sent in a special guest... Greyson's father."

"Or his uncle." Gothel interjected.

"Wait... what?" confusion and shock spread across Rae's face.

"We sent Mr. Stabbington here with my son," said Gothel. "The thing is, he is either his father or his uncle, I'm not quite sure. Not that Greyson knows anything about who his father is of course..."

"Can we stay on topic?" Maleficent interrupted.

"Wait wait wait... so you're telling me that Grey's father-uncle whatever has been stalking us?" Rae said. "And you don't even know who his father is. And neither does he. I get that you're villains and don't have much choice of a sex life but really?! Those dudes?"

"Shut your stupid mouth, Raelynn!" Gothel slapped her other cheek and punched the young girl in the stomach and ribs. "You know nothing."

"Anyway..." Maleficent continued, clearly annoyed. "We sent him as the driver... to ensure Greyson was following the plan.. and we got an interesting call today." Rae winced again and took a shaky breath.

"I'm s-sorry..." she mumbled. "W-what did you do with the Auradon driver...?" She asked. Maleficent grinned evilly.

"Last I heard of him he became acquainted with some of the carnivorous inhabitants in the water."

"Y-you killed him..." Rae said slowly.

"Such a smart girl. Just like your mother." said Gothel, smiling.

"Where were we? Ah Yes! The phone call." Maleficent exclaimed. Rae's body filled with dread and fear.


Earlier that day

The phone rang at ten in the morning in the Gothel Hazelnut shop.

"Gothel here. Who is this?" Madame Gothel said.

"Stabbington here. Ma'am, we have a problem." a grumpy male voice responded on the other line.

"What is it?" she replied impatiently.

"Your son is seemingly getting too cozy with a girl. I think he might've forgotten his original mission. He's currently kissing her..."

"WHAT?!? Who is she?" cried Gothel. The brother began to laugh.

"Ma'am, the girl just turned around."


"She is close to the carbon copy of your daughter."


Rae's face had gone slightly pink.

"A-and that's why I'm here?" she asked. "Because I kissed Grey...?"

"Because you ruined our plans you little rat!" screeched Maleficent.

"With your manipulation of my son, you have ruined everything. And now that you're gone, he can get back to work." Gothel sneered.

"What? B-but I, I mean... I didn't mean to... you don't understand. He didn't want to do it... he told me." Rae said quickly, instantly regretting what she said. She was slapped on her left cheek immediately.

"You really think he cares? All that boy wants is my daughter and his mother's approval. He would do anything to get that." Maleficent sneered.

"Y-you don't understand him... or Mal. T-they're different now... they're not you." Rae said shakily, but deep down, she felt Maleficent was right. What if he was just using her? What if it was all just a lie?

"You're only fooling yourself darling. It's only a matter of time until he comes back with the other kids." Gothel sneered.

[𝟔] 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ( descendants ) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now