Thirty Nine

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Gothel paced back and forth. How could this have happened?

"I'm here, what's the emergency?" Maleficent groaned, barging into Gothel's Hazelnut Soup KItchen.

"My son," Gothel spat. "Has been caught sharing spit with Rapunzel's daughter. He has abandoned his mission."

"Are you certain? asked Maleficent.

"Stabbington saw it! What do we do?"

"Call him. Tell him to bring that girl here. I will keep her at my place. We cannot risk this mission failing." Maleficent did something out of the ordinary and put her hand on Gothel's shoulder. "I've already lost my daughter to those good for nothing prissy brats. I am not letting you lose your son."


After being positive that she had been left alone, Rae just broke down into tears. She was scared, hurt, practically a rag doll to those bitches. She wanted home. She wanted her mother.

"Flower gleam and glow..." she sang shakily. "Let your power shine... make the clock reverse..." she paused, seeing no light and feeling no calmer. Instantly, she started to panic even more. "Bring back what once was mine...?" she tried to move her hands, but they were well and truly tied to the chair. "Heal what has been hurt..." she sang desperately, then looked down at her chest. The necklace. It was gone. The panic rose in her and she started to cry even more. If Gothel had taken it... she would never get it back. Still, she continued. "Change the fate's design... save what has been lost... bring back what once was mine..." all of a sudden a pang of sadness hit her right in her heart. She thought of Grey... how they'd sing together. Tears flooded down her cheeks. "What once... was mine..." she sang in a whisper, bowing her head and just crying.

"That's a lovely song." Gothel cackled from the shadows. "I wonder who taught you it." The voice made Rae jump, even though she instantly recognised it.

"I didn't realise you were still there..." she mumbled, trying to disguise that she was crying.

"Of course you didn't, darling." Gothel stepped forward. "Aw you're crying, how pathetic. Let me give you another reason to cry." Gothel smirked and pulled out Rae's phone. She held it in front of Rae so she had no choice but to look at the picture displayed. Mal and Grey... they were hugging.

"No..." Rae breathed. Tears continued to roll down her cheeks. "No..."

"It seems my son has moved on. I warned you." Gothel cackled. "He's a VK at heart, no weak princess can change him."

"I'm so stupid..." Rae muttered to herself, looking down.

"Yes sweetheart." Gothel smirked, almost looking like her son. The heartache just intensified for Rae. Grey was a VK. He wasn't meant to be with her. It would never work out. It was hopeless.

"W-what are you going to do with me?" she asked nervously.

"My son will take care of you...." she spat. "That way he'll prove himself."

"W-what do you mean?" Rae questioned, her body filled with dread.

"He will do what he wants and then..." Gothel smiled evilly. "Well you can guess."

"N-no... he wouldn't... please..." Rae shook her head. "Isn't kidnapping and isolating me, slapping me, scratching me and punching me enough for you?! If you ever cared about my mother then you wouldn't be willing to let her daughter die!"

"I gave that girl everything she ever wanted! And what does she go and do? Escape with a criminal who turned her against me! She betrayed me! And now you shall pay for her mistakes!" Gothel exploded. Rae's eyes widened and she stayed silent for a little while.

"She found her home. Her real mother. The one who didn't use her for her magic hair. That's more than selfish. You can do what you want to me but I'm not letting you speak ill of my mother." she said firmly. "That criminal gave her the chance to see the world. Her escape from you. That criminal is my father. The one you tried to kill. I won't let you speak ill of him either. He didn't turn her against you. He helped her realise who she was and who her family was." Rae said without batting an eyelid. Gothel's face boiled red and she struck Rae in the lips, then her right eye.

"YOU LITTLE STUCK UP RAT! YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!" She slapped Rae and then stopped and smiled. She began removing Rae's shoe. "Stabbington!" she called.

"You called ma'am." came the burly patched man.

"Break her ankle." Gothel ordered. The man smirked, and grabbed Rae's foot with one hand and her leg with another. Rae let out a loud scream of protest.

"Wait... no, please!" Rae begged. "Please don't do this. I'm sorry! I'll do anything!" The man ignored her and made a sharp move, snapping the bone. It cracked so audibly, it was painful for the ears and for Rae. Rae screamed even louder this time, purely of pain. Tears spilled from her eyes as the screaming didn't stop, she couldn't control it.

"Aww screams." Maleficent said, strolling into the room and looking at Rae, crippled in pain. "I love this." she smirked. Rae's body collapsed as much as it could since she was tied to a chair. The pain she felt was unbearable.

"I-I-I-I'm s-sorry..." she whispered.

"Good girl." Gothel patted her cheek.

"Gothel, let's go. Leave her." Maleficent said and bounced away, followed by Gothel. Rae was left alone, and all she could do was cry.

[𝟔] 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ( descendants ) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now