Forty One

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"How the hell did he get here?!" Mal exclaimed, looking down at the man.

"Isn't he like your mum's sidekick or whatever?" Maddie asked.

"Yes he is." Grey growled and put more weight on his foot. "Stabbington, what the fuck are you doing here?" Stabbington gave no reply. "Answer me!" Grey pressed his foot into the man's neck so he wasn't able to breathe completely.

"Your mother..." Stabbington struggled. "She sent me... to keep an eye on you..." he explained.

"What?" Grey said, a bit stunned. "How long have you been here?"

"As long as you have..."

"Wait...." Ceci interrupted. "Did you talk to his mother today?" she asked, a feeling of dread filling her. Stabbington went silent again.

"DID YOU TALK TO MY MOTHER TODAY?!" Grey exploded, pushing his foot down even more.

"Yes! Yes I did..." Stabbington replied quickly.

"Did you mention a girl in the call?" Mal asked.

"Yes." Stabbington said. He had given in with any protest or denial.

"FUCK!" Grey shouted, removed his foot, grabbed the man by the shirt and, with anger-filled strength pushed him against a tree. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" he exploded.

"G-Gothel wanted her..." Stabbington said nervously. "She's on the... the Isle."

"YOU FUCKER. YOU REALISE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?" Grey slammed him against the tree and then threw him to the ground, knocking him out. He began punching the already unconcious man.

"Grey, Grey!" Mal tried to pull Grey back. She turned around. "Maddie, go find the others." Maddie nodded and ran off. "Grey please stop!" Mal exclaimed.

"WHY?" He spun around with an amount of anger in his eyes that no one had ever seen before. "MY MOTHER AND YOUR MOTHER HAVE HER! YOU KNOW WHAT THEY'LL DO TO HER?" Mal paused for a moment.

"Grey I know... but it's not him you need to take your anger out on. It's Gothel and my mom. We're going to save Rae, no matter what." she kept her hand on Grey's shoulders.

"Can you get some guards? I want this fucker in jail." Grey growled.

"Grey we can't. Not right now. They'll send guards to the Isle and that's not good, we can't let them. We need to get Rae first." Mal said firmly, yet also softly.

"Are you saying we go there ourselves?" asked Ceci. "T-to the I-Isle?"

"We have to." Mal nodded. "We'll all go." Ceci gulped but nodded. Maddie came running back with Jay, Carlos, Ben and Evie.

"I found 'em." Maddie said.

"What happened?" Jay asked.

"This fucker." Grey kicked the unconscious man. "Has been reporting back to my mother." he spat the last word out as if it were poison. "And took Rae to the Isle." Evie covered her mouth in shock.

"She's on the Isle? Well that's never good..." Evie shook her head.

"No... and she's most likely with my mother too.." Mal said.

"What are we gonna do?" Maddie asked. "We're gonna have to go get her."

"Shit." Carlos cussed and Ben was quiet.

"We're all going to the Isle on this rescue mission." Mal said. "And I'm going to confront my mother."

"But..." Evie interrupted. "We can't go looking like this." She looked around and everyone's outfits.

"What do I wear? You all have Isle gear but..." Ceci trailed off.

"Don't worry, I can fix that problem." Evie said, grabbing Ceci's hand, pulling her away.

"Meet at the entrance in an hour. Don't get caught. With Maleficent and Gothel, we can't waste any time. Rae is in danger." Mal said seriously. "Oh and, Carlos, don't bring Dude this time."

[𝟔] 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ( descendants ) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now