Forty Seven

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Greyson wasn't okay. He had managed to ward off Maleficent and render her unconscious again, but he had retained a bit of a hole in his arm due to her horns and some scratches. He ran, trying to put as much distance between himself and his mother and Maleficent. Before long, he found himself in a relatively unknown place.

"Pull yourself together Gothel." he scolded himself as he admitted that he needed a break and sat down on a rock. "You've had worse."

"Finally! I'm not the only one who talks to themselves around here!" a voice exclaimed. "I told them I wasn't crazy! But did they listen? No they didn't." The voice continued.

"What the fuck!" he jumped up, startled by the voice.

"You have visions too? Well isn't this uncanny!" The voice added. It was clearly feminine.

"Come out. Where the fuck are you?" Grey looked around.

"Oh you were talking to me!" The voice exclaimed. "How silly of me! Though I suppose I am silly. Or some might say bonkers!"

"I am not in the fucking mood. Get out here before I drag you myself." Grey groaned.

"You'd have to find me for that first." The voice said. "But I don't feel like being dragged today." it went quiet for a few minutes until there was a thud. In front of Grey now stood a girl, she had curly red hair and was dressed in a white dress, her torso with a bottle green blazer. On her head was a bottle green hat with a label reading '10/6'. The girl looked Grey up and down. "I don't think I've ever seen you around before. But then again, I'm never certain what I see and don't see."

"Who are you?" He asked curiously.

"Why are you so curious to know?" She tilted her head. "You know, curiosity is never a good thing. Though they say madness isn't either and I actually find it quite enjoyable. Now that I'm banished here."

"Because I have never seen you or heard your voice before and I was sure I knew everyone here." he replied.

"Oh?" she sat down cross legged on the rock Grey had previously been sat on. She lifted her hand from her head and pulled a teapot and a teacup from it, pouring out tea. "I thought everyone knew of the crazy girl who was banished to the Isle. I assumed infamous reputation had gotten around by now."

"You're the Mad Hatter's daughter aren't you?" Grey sat down on an adjacent rock. The red headed girl looked up and put the teapot into her hat, placing her hat back on her head.

"Mad as a Hatter." she nodded, taking a sip of tea. "So you do know of me?"

"I've heard of you" he admitted. "Look, can you help me out?" He lifted his hand to reveal the wound on his arm, "Did I just ask for help?" He thought out loud. "Auradon really changed me bad."

"Oh that's quite the nasty wound." she raised her eyebrows, dropping her teacup. "I do happen to know a bit of first aid so you're in luck." she took her hat off her head and pulled a bandage from it, starting to wrap up Grey's wound. "Wait, you're from Auradon?"

"Isle, born and raised," he said proudly. "I was shipped off to Auradon a few weeks back."

"Then what brought you back here?" she questioned. "You see, I'm the opposite. I don't know how long I've been here, but I know I wasn't born here. It appears I don't know much. My brain is a little messed up."

"My girl-- I mean my friend was taken here by my mother and we had to get her back," he said quietly. Hatter's daughter raised her eyebrows at first.

"Then why are you still here? Are you still looking for her? Who's your mother?"

"You sure ask a lot of questions yet you called me curious." he pointed out. "Greyson Gothel." He extended his hand out. "And you are?"

[𝟔] 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ( descendants ) [✔️]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora