Twenty Nine

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"Fuck." Raelynn climbed out as quickly as possible. "Rae why can't you just keep your mouth shut." she muttered to herself and started to run even though she had no idea which direction Grey had gone in. "GREY!" She called. "Please! I'm so sorry!" she shouted. She felt leaves getting stuck to her wet feet and branches leaving bloody scratches on her legs. All of a sudden, she tripped over a rock and fell to the floor, something slicing her hand. "Ow fuck!" She exclaimed, getting up and continuing to run even though the blood was dripping onto the floor. "Grey where are you?" Grey was leaning against a tree a few metres away from where she was stood. Rae saw him and breathed a sigh of relief, running over to him. "Grey I'm so sorry..." she panted, wincing and glancing at her hand. He looked at her, a face full of emotion. He jumped up upon seeing her injuries.

"Holy Fuck Rae what happened?"

"I came to find you... I ran through all of the branches and thorns... I fell... and cut my hand." she explained, her dress soaked and covered in mud and specks of blood, her feet and legs also covered in mud and fresh scratches, and her hand cut practically open. She was unusually pale, as if she was going to pass out. "I'm so so sorry Grey... I should just keep my stupid mouth shut."

"Dear god, Rae." He said moving towards her and picking her up. "We need to get you patched up." Grey began walking back to Rapunzel and Eugene's castle.

"I'm... fine..." she said slowly, her body going limp. "Why do you have two heads...?"

"Shit." Grey cussed and started to run. "Hang in there, flower. It just had to be today that your parents went out."

"Grey... I feel like... I-I'm gonna pass out..." Rae's head fell onto his shoulder. Grey finally made it into the castle and sped up to his room, arms covered in blood.

"I'll be right back flower." he placed her gently on the bed and ran to get the first aid kit from her room.

"Fuck..." Rae put her hand that wasn't cut on her forehead, she winced and noticed a cut on her leg too. She laid back on the bed as everything started to spin. Grey came back with the kit, opened it up and began treating the wounds. He cursed when he saw the cut on her hand.


"Grey everything's spinning..." at this point Rae's ears were ringing and she couldn't hear much apart from that. Grey began stitching up her hand.

"Stay awake flower..."

"Fuck fuck fuck that hurts." Rae exclaimed, her speaking still slow. "I don't know if I can..." she whispered. He pecked her lips.

"I'm sorry. Please hold on." he finished up stitching her hand and moved down to the gash in her leg.

"Ow... f-fuck..." a tear rolled down her cheek as her vision blurred.

"Fuck..." he cussed. Suddenly he heard a door open. "Help!" He yelled.

"Grey... I..." Rae's eyes slowly closed, she fell fully limp and her world went black.

[𝟔] 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ( descendants ) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now