Part 2: Imbroglio

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|| Imbroglio

        ||||  an intricate and confusing interpersonal situation


I follow Butler Kang to the room where the Young Master Bae Jinyoung is. I take a peek at the window where the doctors are busy discussing something. It increases the guilt in myself as Jinyoung lies down on the bed without any movements at all. I lean on the wall, hoping that everything will be fine.

"You just want to waste your time being here? Young Master will be fine. He once undergoes the same situation before because of his stepbrother." Butler Kang explains to me.

"He got a stepbrother?" I ask him as I'm shocked to hear it.

"It's better not to talk here. Let's go to the reading room while treating your hurt hand." He takes me away, heading to a spacious room full of books.

I look around in awe as this is as same as the national library in America. All the shelves are full with no empty spaces at all. Butler Kang then asks me to sit on the green pod plushie stool in the room. He takes the nearest first aid kit, taking out some medical things. He takes my hand, softly cleaning my fingers that got cut by the sharp vase piece just now.

"So... Tell me about Jinyoung's stepbrother. Is it true?" I ask him while watching him treating my wound.

"It's true. His father married another woman as the Young Master's mom passed away due to a chronic illness. At first, Young Master hated it as his stepmother always siding with his stepbrother compared to him. Then, the hate feelings grew when his stepbrother grew older. Their age just differs by a year only; Young Master is older. His stepbrother understood the bipolar disorder and started to tease him badly until the incident happened today happened." He explains precisely.

"Does his stepbrother lives here?"

"No.. He migrated to America but he came here every four years to visit his family. And the next fourth year is this year." He seriously tells me.

"I hope everything will be fine.. He is matured enough to know about his stepbrother's disorder and what he shouldn't do." I mutter.

"I finished bandaging it urm..." He looks at me, not remembering my name.

"Erin Kyung. Just call me Erin. And... thanks urm..." I stutter while smiling at him awkwardly.

"Kang Daniel. Call me Daniel." He shakes my hand to avoid the awkwardness. "Well.. How about we take a look at how Young Master's condition now?" He continues.

I stand outside of the room where Jinyoung is. Butler Kang looks at me weirdly, pushing me into the room. I stumble on the floor, shocked to see that Jinyoung already awake. He looks at me soullessly and looking away like nothing happened. I approach him slowly to know which side of him right now.

"... Are you okay now?" I carefully ask him.

He looks at me with a smirk form on his face. "You're worrying about me, cutie Kyung? You're so kind."

I take a look at Butler Kang who is standing next to me. I really don't know but is this the side of Baejin? It's so different from Bae Jinyoung. "I'm here, Baejin. Your Daniel hyung that you like." Butler Kang suddenly interrupts me.

So, now is Baejin. How do differentiate between Bae Jinyoung and Baejin tho?

"Hyung, may I have time alone with that cutie Kyung? I want to know more about her.." He smirks.

Butler Kang leaves me without saying anything. I'm surprised as Baejin suddenly takes my bandaged hand and touching it a few times. He looks at me worriedly, "What happened to your hand? Did someone hurt you? Who?! Daniel hyung?!"

I try to take my hand off from him as I feel uncomfortable with the side of Baejin - too caring, too many cringes and too sweet. "Baejin... Please let my hand go. It's hurt." I lied.

"Oh my! I'm sorry, my cutie Kyung. I shouldn't hurt you. Let me blow some kiss on it." He starts to panic.

When his lip is a few distances to touch my hand, I start to feel something strange flowing in my bloodstreams. I parry my hand from been kissed by an unknown boy until I accidentally slapped a bit of his face.

"Mian... Mianhae. I'm not intending to do it. I'm just too nervous about your actions and..." I stutter before he pulls me onto his bed to lie down next to him.

His breaths keep on inhaling and exhaling on my nape. My cold sweats wet my forehead. What is this guy doing, I thought. He comes closer until I feel his nose touches my neck. "You're nervous already? I think you're the one that wants it to be in a rough way when you parried my hand, right? So, then why can't I did the same thing to you?" He whispers before biting my ears.

"Help... Daniel..." I stutter as I feel that I'm in a dangerous situation.

Thankfully he stops when someone pulls him away from me. Butler Kang saves the day - my day officially.  "Baejin, what are you doing? Your father will be mad if he knew you did something like this again." Butler Kang advises Baejin sternly.

Again..? What does he mean? Don't tell me that Baejin had slept with a girl before?!

"Daniel... What are you talking about? He had done something like this before?" I whisper at Butler Kang silently.

Baejin takes me away from sitting next to Butler Kang. "Don't take my cutie Kyung! You once took my Lin!" He yells at Butler Kang angrily.

I look at both of them who are glaring at each other. What with this intense situation? Help me..


Dear my readers, I will have a new update schedule as I can't update daily due to my uni life. So, I will update once per 2 days. Hope that all of you could understand. Thank you.

WHO YOU? || BAE JINYOUNGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें