Part 22: anonymous

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It's finally breakfast time - the time that I eagerly wait to come. Mr Bae told me to eat together in the dining hall with his family for the first time ever. I sit next to Daehwi who smiles brightly when he eats his strawberry pancakes.

As I still wait for my pancakes to arrive, Jinyoung suddenly takes a seat in front of me with his messy morning hair. I know it's Jinyoung and not Baejin as the way he gazed at me before sitting down. Although he is right in front of me, he doesn't even take a glance at me.

"Jinyoung, what do you want to eat for breakfast?" His father asks before munching on his French toast.

"Can I skip this breakfast? I have no appetite right now. I'd rather eat in my room." Jinyoung answers, directly looking at me with a sulking face.

"Just give him the same pancakes as Daehwi had." His father tells the maid. "BTW where are Miss Kyung's pancakes?"

For the first time ever, he called me Miss Kyung nicely. He really loves to see me away from his family.

Butler Kang comes into the dining hall with a tray of pancakes on his hand. He stops for a while before throwing the plate on the table until the pancakes fells on the floor. I take a deep breath before picking up the fallen pancakes, put them back on the plate. Jinyoung also seems surprised by Butler Kang sudden actions.

"Butler Kang, what's wrong with you today?" Jinyoung's father asks the guy before he leaves the dining hall.

"It's just an accident, Mr Bae. I'm sorry for my mistakes." Butler Kang answers shortly.

I try to eat the pancakes but Daehwi stops my hand from cutting them. "Noona.. It's dirty. You might get an upset stomach if you eat them." He nags.

"Daehwi.. It's fine. Who cares when I got a stomachache or whatsoever disease?" I answer him bravely.

"Noona... Why you're so emotional today?" He worries.

"Mr Bae.. I will wait for you in the living room. I don't feel that I'm invited to sit here. So, I better not disturb your peaceful eating session." I bow to Jinyoung's father instead of answering Daehwi's question.

I walk away from the dining hall, heading to the living room. I sit on the sofa and take a look at my phone for a few times - my boarding ticket to Taiwan.

"Yah.. Kyung." I startled, quickly turn off my phone when I heard Jinyoung called me.

"Wae?" I replied.

"Is there anything happened between you and Daniel? He never treats you like that before." He asks again.

"It's not your business. Why don't you just eat your breakfast peacefully there? I'm already going out from the dining hall, right? What's more, you want from me?!"

"Kyung.. What's wrong with you today? When I ignore you, you never act like this but now when I want to care about you, you're mad at me." He comments.

"Have your father done eating?" I try to change the intense situation.

"Since when you're interested in what my father does? I smell something strange here.. What have my father done to you? Does he bribe you?" He suddenly worried out of blue.

I walk passed him to avoid answering his questions but he successfully grabs my hand, stopping my pace. "You act really weird today.. You're hiding something from me, right?"

"Let me go! Bae Jinyoung!" I scream, tugging my hand from his grips.

He pulls me to lean on his chest, looking into his eyes that are asking for my answers. He approaches me and trying to kiss my lip but I face away quickly. He urges me for a few times yet he failed to make me fall on his sly step. I push him away, backing away from his figure before he starts to find the answer to my different behaviour today.

"Jinyoung... You hate me, right? Just hate me like how you used to. Don't fool me with your steps that will make me hurt you again. You saw it with your own eyes that... That I kissed Butler Kang instead of you. Why you still want to be close to me?!" I ask him. 

"Ehem!" His father suddenly interrupts the intense situation. "Miss Kyung, let's go."

I walk away from Jinyoung, standing next to his father willingly. Jinyoung stops his father by asking him where do I want to go together with his father. His father just smiles at him cheekily without telling him the exact answer. His father then takes my hand, heading to the front door while the other butlers are taking my luggage into the car.

Jinyoung follows me and his father until the front door. He shouts 'STOP!' loudly as he figured out the real situation. He blocks the door with his body, stopping his father from walking out o the mansion.

"Abeoji! What's the meaning of this?! She is leaving with you?!" He asks, shocked.

"Move away, son. We have to catch a flight in a few hours." His father tells his son slowly.

"I won't! I want the exact answer!" He screams.

I approach Jinyoung, hugging him for a while. "Bae Jinyoung... Take care. Why you want to block my way when you told me to leave you?" I whisper.

His body falls to the floor, shocked to hear those words from me. I walk out of the mansion and quickly enter the black sedan car. When Jinyoung's father already board the car, he asks me whether I really want to leave the mansion. I nod, telling the driver to start driving.

I already have this strong heart... To stay and not to hurt my loves.


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