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The calendar shows that it's already 10 May 2020 - Jinyoung birthday. Jinyoung still sleeps soundly next to me, hugging the fluffy pillow. I get up from my bed and wash my face in the bathroom. Suddenly, a pair of of hand hugs me from the back.

"Kyungie~ I'm already hungry." Jinyoung snuggles on my shoulder.

"Jinyoung.. When did you wake up?" I ask him.

He doesn't answer me. I feel weird as it suddenly silence. He already fell back asleep on my back. I carefully put him back to the bed, heading to the kitchen to help the maid preparing for breakfast.

One of the maids saw me trying to take the frying pan from the cabinet and she stops me. "Agassi.. Just tell us what you want to eat. Young Master will be mad at us if he knew about this." She tells me.

"Don't worry. I will explain to him later. I miss to cook by myself or.. we can cook together?" I suggest.

They agree with my suggestion, helping me to cook for the birthday breakfast meal. I plan to cook omurice for Jinyoung and other workers here. The maids keep questioning me on the huge proportion but I just give them a smile.

After all the foods served on the dining table, I go back to the room that I shared with Jinyoung. I wake him up by patting his butt like little kid. He whines and pulls the blanket to cover his body.

"Bae Jinyoung~ Wake up. It's breakie time." I tell him softly.

"10 more minutes, please. I will wake up soon." He replies.

I pull the blanket off from him, hugging him to wake him up. I tickle his stomach a bit and the trick works. He laughs nonstop begging me to stop. I just kiss his cheek before stopping my hand from tickling his stomach.

"I will wait for you at the dining room. Don't be late, Jinyoung." I peck his lip, walking out from the room.

I hide behind the wall with cake on my hand. Jinyoung calls me a few times when he reached the dining table. He tries to look around but I excitedly sing the birthday song to him, showing myself with the cake on my hands.

"Happy birthday, Bae Jinyoung. I love you so much." I give him the cake for him to blow the candles after making a wish.

He blows the candles until they lit off, he suddenly takes the cake's cream and smears on my face. He chuckles and runs away from me as he knows that I will chase him.

I just let him be as today is his birthday. I cut the cake into slices, putting them into different plates. "Are there guests coming, agassi?" One of the butlers asks me.

"These cakes are for all of you. The maids and butlers who work here. You all could enjoy this cake too." I smile, giving one of the plates to him.

"Thank you... Thank you so much, agassi. You're so kind to us like how Young Master Bae used to treat us." He thanks me.

"All of you are like my family. I should share the happiness with you." I continue.

Jinyoung comes back with no more cream on his hand, shocks with what happened. "Kyung.. What happened? Did you give the cake to them?" He asks.

"Hmm.. What do you think I did just now?" I raise one of my eyebrows, asking him back.

"My girlfriend is being kind to part of my families. That's truly my girl." He kisses my cheek until he continues to my lip.

"So.. What's my birthday present?" He asks.

"I will do anything you want. Is that fine?" I smile.

"I want to.. to spend all day long with you." He whispers and bites my ear.

We spend like a few hours in the room after eat the breakfast. When evening comes, Baejin appears like how he used to be in past. Everything have been normal and as sweet as usual.

I won't doubt my choice when I want to live with a guy who has bipolar disorder.


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