Part 34

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"Yah! Kyung! Wake up!" A rough, husky voice keeps on repeating the same words as I feel my body is being shaken up.

I open my eyes lazily. I'm still in my room but in my bed alone without Baejin as how I remembered I spend time with him. I take a look around, shocked by Daniel who was the one who shakes me to wake me up.

".. Daniel.. Do you know where Baejin went to?" I ask him in still half asleep mood.

He just shrugs, opening the curtain letting the sun to shine into my room. "I just came in as Jinyoung told me to check on you. BTW.. You slept with Baejin?!" He sounds so shocked.

"I.. I don't remember at all what's happening last night after I hugged him tightly." I explained.

Suddenly, a few knocks startle both Daniel and I. I try to get up from my bed but Daniel stops me, offering himself instead to take a look at the guest outside. I smile, taking a glass of water to quench my thirst.

When Daniel reaches the door and opens it, he just stands there in silence. "Daniel.. Who is there? Is it Jinyoung?" I asked him but still no responses.

A figure that I don't want to face opens the door ajar after pushing Daniel away from the door. ".. Kyung or whatsoever your name, you think I will let you go easily after you destroyed my plan to engage both my son and that girl from the most richest family? Think again because I'm here to take your life away!" Jinyoung's father shrieks before walking towards my bed.

I quickly get off from my bed, trying to run into the bathroom. At the same time, Daniel catches one of  Jinyoung's father's leg stopping him from chasing me. "Mr Bae.. I'm sorry but this is wrong." He comments before got beaten by the evil man's bodyguards who already wait outside.

Before I unlock the bathroom's door, Jinyoung's father stops the door from closed and steps into the bathroom. "Now it's just you and me. I can't make promises with you again as you will betray me. Let me just end your life here." He says, choking me using his powerful hand.

I pant, trying to escape from it but he is too strong. "Let... Let me go.. You.. You crazy evil man!" I screamed loudly.

He throws me to the mirror, making all the glasses shatter on my body hurting me. "Quiet!" He shouts back.

"Wae.. You afraid that the others of your business followers will know how evil you are towards a girl? You're just lying to them about your kind manners that you don't even show to your son!" I answer him back, gets a harsh slap from him as a reply.

"I should shut your mouth now!" He carries me towards the bathtub, filling the water till it full. "Should I sink your head inside or should I just kill you using the traditional old way of muffling you up using the pillows?" He asks himself, still tugging my hair.

"You are crazy.. Let me go!" I wince in pain as he drags me to my bed, straddling me with the pillow. I try my best to push him away.

"Stop! We are cops!" I heard from the door as some footsteps approaching me.

I can breath again after I feel suffocated as the pillow blocks my air passages. I take a look around as a few cops arrested Jinyoung's father and his guards with warrants.

"Mr Bae, you are arrested for accusation of murder and violence towards your son and this girl. Follow us back to Korea to go to court." One of the cop states.

Jinyoung who is searching for me, hugging me tightly as he saw me full of blood and looks pale. "You're fine.. Thank you so much. I think that I'm late but luckily you're still alive." He cries.

".. What happened actually? Why cops suddenly came?" I ask him in confusion.

"I will explain to you later. Let's treat this first and get back to Korea." He smiles, wiping some sweats that wets my hair due to the suffocation before.

~ ~ ~

Jinyoung brings me to the nearest hospital together with Daniel who injured his arms when he tried to save me from Jinyoung's father. As the nurse treats my wounds, I can't contain this eager feeling to ask him about the incident.

"Bae Jinyoung.. What happened actually? Why the cop came?" I ask him again.

".. Excuse us if you already finish wounding her, Miss Nurse." He politely tells the nurse as she walks away.


..Baejin wrote me a note on my desk last night. He said that he heard my father's plan of killing you last night when he walked to buy some snacks at the nearest shop. He pleaded me to plan something to make you stay alive..

.. So, I told Butler Kang about this and he was willing to help. He got into your room this morning to set up some hidden cameras in your room to be the evidence to the police..

.. Thanks to Kuanlin's confrontation, the cops agreed to help us. I gave them some of the live footages of your room as they already parked outside of this hotel to be prepared as well. I also gave them some of my experiences of how my father tortured me to get rid of my identity..

.. And that's what happened." He explains in such a long way.

I come closer to him and kiss him as I feel thankful. "Gumawo.. Jinyoung. But.. How about Lyn?" I ask him.

"She already letting me go. She already understands about my bipolar identity and she decided to stop our engagement. It must be hard for her to do the research to understand about my disease." He answers coolly.

"Aih.. Stop think about the past. Let's get ready to go back to our mansion." He continues.

".. Our? You mean.."

"Wae? You don't want to live with me?" He smirks.

I want.. Yes, I want but I'm still scared of something.


Hello all of my readers ♥ I'm finally back after a week hiatus. I fought my author block for the whole week and I feel better to continue writing. I won't discontinue this book as I don't want to make all of you unhappy. Unfortunately, this book will be finished soon ㅠㅠ But don't worry, there'll be a few books on the waiting line in my drafts. I will publish the new book when this book finishes ASAP. Thank you for your encouraging words and messages to me. - Gwei 🙆

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