Part 10: Ethereal

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|| Ethereal

     |||| Extremely delicate, light, not of this world.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Butler Kang, Baejin and I finally went back to the mansion after making Baejin sleep to stop him from being in his wolf form. I help Butler Kang to carry Baejin to his bedroom. I feel sorry for Butler Kang because he got treated badly by Baejin today. I wait for him outside of Baejin's room as I'm worried about his condition right after the harsh situation.

".. Erin, why you're still awake? Tomorrow you have to work again, you should get enough rest." Butler Kang asks me with a worried face.

I hold his hand, take a look at the scar that Baejin gave him before. "I'm not going to sleep unless I treated this. It has made a flaw on your arm."

I tell him, dragging him to the kitchen. I take the first-aid kit from the shelves, taking out a cream. I smear on his arm calmly as I'm worried that he still feels pain. "Why you're so worried about me, Erin? I'm just a butler.. I've been used to this kind of thing. That is not a big deal for you to take of me." He pulls his hand away from letting me bandage it.

"But you're a human too.. I don't want anyone that I friend with hurt.."

"Did you do this because you like me...?" His question stops my mouth from continuing my words.

I look away. It's not because the answer is 'yes', but I'm still confused about those kinds of feelings - love and only friend terms. Sometimes my heart beats fast when I'm with Butler Kang. I take a deep breath before answering him with a sudden laugh. "Why do you think that way..? I'm doing this because you're my friend. Nothing more than that..."

"If you really do like me, I better tell you first that you shouldn't like me. Or it will a huge war in this mansion." He smirks, ruffling my hair.

"Daniel, what do you mean..?" I stutter, still not understand his words at all.

"Soon, you will know why I said that kind of thing. Ah~ I think that my arm doesn't need a bandage. I'm sleepy now, you also better go to sleep too Erin. See you tomorrow." He smiles, walking away from the kitchen.

I still sit on the stool, puzzled. What does he mean about 'a huge war'?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I wake up from a room that I shared with a maid. Butler Kang told me to sleep here as Young Master still hasn't decided which is my room. I get up from the small mattress on the floor, walking out from the room quietly trying not to wake the maid up. As I close the door, a hand traps me from walking in the other direction.

"Morning.. Why you're sleeping in that room?" Bae Jinyoung welcomes my morning day.

I stay silent for a while, thinking of a logical reason for him not to get angry in the morning. "... I'm sorry. I also didn't realize that I fell asleep in this room." I answer him, followed by a sudden chuckle.

"Your bed is next to mine, in my bedroom actually. Haven't I told you that before?" He approaches me, coming closer until our noses touch each other.

What's wrong with him today? He always acts cold to me in whatever condition, I thought.

"Why I'm acting like this? Is there an answer?" He jokes around, touching my cheeks all of sudden.

"I forgot that you can read my mind.. I'm sorry but I want to go to the washroom right now." I try to push him away but he comes closer shortening the gap that we have before.

"Come with me then. Like you know where the washroom is. I haven't seen you get a shower in this few days. But you still have the fragrance that I love." He whispers.

"Please... Before I hurt you, get off from me. I want to use the washroom right now." I tell him.

"How do you want to hurt me? Do a demonstration please.." He mocks.

Before my legs make their moves to kick his crotch, he pulls me and kisses my lip. My eyes widened, shocked by his sudden moves. I push him away when he wants to deepen the kiss. "I... I really want to use the washroom! Don't disturb me!" I tell him angrily plus shy.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" He shouts loudly, turning all the maids and butlers attentions to me.

I lean on the washroom's wall while heaving a sigh. This is the first time ever I saw Bae Jinyoung acting like that. Or that isn't Bae Jinyoung? Is he Baejin? Or is there a third personality?! I shrieked loudly until Butler Kang knocks on the door continuously while asking whether I'm fine or not.

"Nothing's happened. Just that I saw a cockroach just now. I'm fine!!" I tell him before he worried about me again.

I take a peek at him whether he is still outside or not. Thank goodness that he already went to the kitchen, helping the other maids and butlers to set up the table for Jinyoung's breakfast. Suddenly, the door stayed open like someone holds it from the outer side of the room. And the answer is YES. Bae Jinyoung stops the door from closing using his foot, looking at me with his deep dark gazes.

"Bae Jinyoung... What are you doing?! I'm going to use the washroom!" I raise up my voice to seek for someone's help.

"To help you in the washroom. You seem like you're in need of help." He smirks.

"Daniel!!!" I yell.

"Erin! Erin! Wake up!" I heard someone calls my name a few times. I open my eyes, taking a look at surroundings. Why I'm still in the room where I was asleep just now?

"You're having a nightmare just now. Haera shook your body to wake you up but you didn't budge. Are you okay? You sweat a lot.." Butler Kang asks me.

Am I dreaming just now? Will Bae Jinyoung be like how he was in that dream for today?


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