chapter ⁷

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❝ All Libras speak five languages: english, truth, sarcasm, love and profanity ❞

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All Libras speak five languages: english, truth, sarcasm, love and profanity

❝ All Libras speak five languages: english, truth, sarcasm, love and profanity ❞

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THE MORNING BEGAN like every other day. I woke up, washed up, got dressed, grabbed a bagel and headed out the door. Except when I got outside, my one source of transportation was gone.

I ran back inside to tell my dad, "My bike's gone, someone stole it!"

"What?" Dad looked up from his newspaper, "Are you sure you didn't leave it somewhere?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I parked it in the same spot."

He didn't seem very concerned which I found concerning, "Well, we can figure it out when you get back. You can still make the bus if you hurry."

Ugh. "Can't you drive me?"

"Not today, your mom and I have to go into the city as soon as she comes down," Dad looked at the clock, "You better get moving."

I was going to kill the person who dared to mess with my shit.

I ran to the bus stop and caught up with two Sagittarius that I hadn't met up with in awhile. I actually chose not to take the bus because one, it was crowded as hell, and two, I didn't like to wait around.

Bus number nine rolled up to the curb next to us a minute later and we boarded. There was only one empty seat in the front, which they took, so I was forced to walk to the back. It was so crowded that I kept hitting people with my bag.

"Sit down back there!" The bus driver snapped and I plopped down in the first seat I saw.

"I was saving that for someone, you know." I looked over and thanked the stars when I met Cade's eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Ever since I'd known of his existence met, he had been showing up more often. Or maybe it was all in my head.

"I've been taking the bus since I was a first year, I think I should be asking you that question."

"Funny story—well, it's actually kinda sad. Somebody stole my bike and my parents couldn't drive me to school because they had to go to work so here I am." It was strange though because they had left Austyn and Remy's bikes alone.

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