chapter ²⁷

910 61 13

❝ Never play a Gemini

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Never play a Gemini.
Once you decide on your first move,
they're already on their third

WHEN WE SAW EACH other at school on Monday, we pretended like nothing happened

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WHEN WE SAW EACH other at school on Monday, we pretended like nothing happened. It was incredibly hard not to say anything, especially after spending all day with each other and learning things that may or may not have been too much information if it were any other couple. Though it was nice to talk uncensored like that.

During study hall, I found Veronica at an empty table and took the seat next to her.

"I was saving that seat for somebody," she said monotonously but I was used to it by now.

"There are three other seats, they'll live," I shrugged and poked her so she'd give me her attention, "You left me hanging, you know. You said you'd tell me your amazing solution."

She nodded, "Your best bet is to apply for an appeal."

"Yeah, so. . . how do I do that?" The idea had crossed my mind several times but I didn't know the logistics of what to do. The only thing I knew was that they rarely got approved, the rate was barely at one percent, and that was only for extreme cases where domestic abuse and emergencies like that occurred.

"Ask Bennett. He loves that kind of stuff."

"Okay and where is he?"

"Probably in the stacks somewhere, you'll have to go and find him. Now don't talk to me, I have to study." She dismissed me and I got up to find him.

Bennett was busy in the P-S section, with three economics textbooks in one of his arms. He was walking pretty quickly, too, and didn't slow down even when I dashed to follow him.

"Hey Bennett, you know a lot about match appeals, right?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Of course. Why?"

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