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alternate ending—occurs after chapter 38

alternate ending—occurs after chapter 38

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❝ Onlyinthedarknesscanyouseethestars ❞

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It was too beautiful. Too easy.

My infinity was a field of eternally blooming flowers and soft blue skies. The air was clean and the land was free beneath the sun's serene glow.

I didn't remember how I got here, but it didn't matter.

This place reminded me of home in so many ways. Everything was a vivid bliss, as if this place existed for my indulgence only.

My fingers brushed the smooth sunflower petals and my toes dug deep into the grass. A paradise of butterflies materialized from the garden floor and fluttered their tiny wings up into the clouds. My eyes gravitated to a small speck of blue on one of the orange petals. A lonely butterfly lingered, left behind or chosen to stay, and its wings remained motionless.

Something was telling me to look up so I did.

A boy my age met my eyes at the same time I lifted my head. Neither of us moved an inch as we held our breaths.

How long had he been staring at me? Who was he anyway?

A flood of memories hit me like a bullet train all at once. Those shy fleeting looks, those warm private smiles, those withering seductive whispers.

I knew him.

His name was Cade. The boy who fished me out of that river and made me feel what it was like to be loved. Not because he was alone and looking for somebody to fill his heart, but because he wanted me and only me.

He died for me.

The corners of his mouth turned into upwards into a smile and I knew he remembered, too.

We ran to each other like a thousand years had aged us dry. Time was irrelevant and so was the past—we could stay in this sanctuary by the ends of the earth for all of eternity.

And perhaps death wouldn't be so bad after all.


This was kind of a bittersweet ending that I had a hard time writing due to so many feels. It's nice because Char and Cade meet again in the afterlife but, well, they die in the end and don't get to live the life they deserved

I thought this was a more realistic ending because they really should've died from that fire but plot armor I guess haha

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