chapter ¹¹

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❝ Aquarius: the only one in the roomwho disagrees when everyoneelse is just following ❞

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Aquarius: the only one in the room
who disagrees when everyone
else is just following

❝ Aquarius: the only one in the roomwho disagrees when everyoneelse is just following ❞

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VERONICA'S ALARM SNAPPED me out of my sleep an hour before I planned to get up. But when I wake up, I stay up, so of course there was no choice but to just stare at the ceiling until the teacher knocked on our doors.

After breakfast, during which I had a plate of waffles and a cup of juice, we split up into four groups—and once again, I was separated from my friends. Skiing was first on the list so me and my group took a bus to the top of the mountains. It took an hour for my group to rent equipment.

Yesterday it seemed that I'd used up all of my luck because today, I was paired up with Veronica. It was bad enough that I was roommates with her and not Sky but to then be partners for sports day? The stars were punishing me.

"We're going on a double black diamond." She stated as she slid her leather gloves onto her hands and clipped her expensive-looking helmet into place.

Did my opinion not matter to her at all? "I think we should start off with a singular black diamond or even just a green circle, you know, to warm up?"

"Why? You've skiied before, haven't you."

"Not in a long time. . ."

"That's not my problem." She didn't wait for my response because she was already heading over to the chairlift. Unfortunately, partners had to stay together at all times so I was stuck with her—and only her—for the entire ride up.

The air whipped at my bare skin as we got on the lift. Watching the snowy trees pass by slowly soon became tedious so I started to swing my legs and hum.

"Do you mind?" Veronica asked snidely.


"If you keep doing that we'll fall off."

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