chapter ¹⁹

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❝ A Libra is skilled enoughto be one step aheadbut make you believethey are one step behind ❞

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A Libra is skilled enough
to be one step ahead
but make you believe
they are one step behind

"HELLO, I'M NOT AVAILABLE at the moment but leave me a message and I'll try to call you back as soon as possible

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"HELLO, I'M NOT AVAILABLE at the moment but leave me a message and I'll try to call you back as soon as possible. Thanks!" Sky's voice repeated for the seventh time and I groaned in frustration, wanting to throw my phone in the toilet. I tried not to take it personally—maybe she was super busy or broke her phone or something crucial like that.

"Hey, you almost done in there? I've been waiting for almost ten minutes!" A girl knocked on my stall impatiently and I had no choice but to give up.

"Yeah, sorry," I grabbed my backpack and unlocked the handicap stall.

I'd ditched art class so I could call my friends again to rant. But neither Kingston nor Sky had answered their phones all day yesterday so I tried again this morning and at noon. Were they ignoring me? What was going on? I really needed to talk to them.

Since I had nowhere else to go, I sat in the stairwell and hoped no one came.

I stared at my phone for a moment before I tapped on my sister's name.

She answered like I was a stranger, "Hello?"

"Hey, Remy, what's up?"

"I'm in school." There was a pause. "Everything okay? Why'd you call?"

"Yeah, I was just bored. So if you're in school, why'd you pick up? Cutting class?" I asked playfully.

"I'm eating lunch with my friends. I'm guessing you are, too?"

I'm actually ditching class and sitting in the stairwell by myself but close enough.


"How do you like it there? Is it true that all of the food is made of gold? And that their water is purified with diamonds?"

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