Chapter Sixteen: Will You Marry Me?

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A/N: Okay, I'm thinking about speeding this book up a bit. Sorry guys. So some time skips here and there now in the upcoming chapters. I'm kind of thinking also that this book is coming near to its end. I do plan on doing a sequel but it may be a boyxboy instead. I'm going to make this book count though. I promise.

Bren's POV

5 years later

"Tyson, you're going to be late for school," I shouted up the stairs to his room. Geez, for a ten year old boy, he's sure plain old lazy already. Becca was in the study working. She's a professional author now. In five years, this is how far she's come from all of the turmoil and hurt from the past. She's fought harder than she really needed to. Tyson came flying down the stairs while buttoning his jeans. I sighed. Boys.

"Sorry Bren. I was getting my things together," Tyson said. I sighed again and handed him his lunch box. He quickly stuffed it into his school bag.

"Now, go say goodbye to your sister and then we're off. Okay," I said to him. He nodded and quickly dashed to the study. I walked casually to the study and then kissed Becca on the cheek.

"Have a good day at work Bren and you be good at school," she said to us. Tyson nodded and headed for the door. I grabbed my car keys and the two of us headed out the door.


I got Tyson from school once I finished at work. "How was school," I asked him. He just stared out the back window. His school bag was placed on the seat next to him. "Are you okay buddy?"

"Hm," he said as he got out of his dazed trance from watching the world pass by outside.

"What's wrong? Did something happen at school," I asked in concern. He looked at me finally.

"I don't really want to talk about it," he said solemnly. I left it at that. I didn't want to pressure him into telling me. He then realized that I passed the street we were supposed to turn on to head on home. "Um, Bren. Home's that way."

"I know. I have something to pick up at the jewelery shop a few blocks from here," I stated while keeping my eyes on the road. Tyson looked at me in confusion. I saw his facial expression when I glanced into the rear view mirror.

"Why," he asked curiously.

"How would you feel if I asked your sister to marry me, Tyson," I asked him. A bright smile cheered up his glum face. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I thought you'd never ask her anytime soon! Why now Bren," he asked with excitement. I smiled and laughed.

"I wanted to make sure we were settled down and to forget the past, Tyson." When I said "past", his face was over casted with a shadow. I said the truth though. That was my reason why I haven't asked her yet. "Is there something wrong," I asked him.

"Isn't my dad supposed to be getting out on parole soon Bren? Is he," Tyson asked, fear ravaging at his innocent face and eyes. I knew that this day would come soon. I knew Mr. Swan was sentenced to five years in prison for child abuse. I think Becca knows of his release already. We just haven't told Tyson. He's young and he's still traumatized by that day. Becca is as well but she's dealt with it. She even wrote a biography of her life back home. It was well written. I couldn't believe that actually happened to her all of those things she spoke of through her new voice. It was actually quite poetic if you think about it.

What should I say? "I'm not sure Ty. I'm not sure," I answered. I lied to him to protect him. I don't need him worrying that his father is coming back and trying to take him from us. Becca wouldn't allow it. I wouldn't allow it. We both wouldn't let Mr. Swan to come near Tyson. He was deemed unfit to be Ty's father. Becca was his older sister yes, but she was like a mother to him when her parents didn't exactly care for them.

He went back to being silent. It was only minutes later when we pulled into a street parking space in front of the shop. Tyson and I got out, locking the car once I stepped onto the sidewalk. Tyson had a new smile on his face. He was excited to see the ring I got for Becca. He was excited that I was finally proposing to his sister. The seller behind the counter got me the ring that I ordered. "Can I see it," Tyson asked cheerfully. I smiled and opened the black velvet box. His eyes grew wide in awe. He couldn't believe that this was the ring that I was giving Becca.

It held a beautiful diamond stone upon the top of the silver band. At the base of the holder that locked the stone in place there was a slight gap on both sides of the base, adding a unique flare to it. On each side of the main stone, three smaller diamonds go from one small size to a gradual increase of the karat value. It was of a simple design but unique nonetheless. A special structure and placement of the precious stones for the girl of my dreams. "What do you think," I asked him. He nodded his head in complete agreement of my choice of ring.

"It's perfect," he stated. Im glad he loved it. I hope that Becca did as well.

"How much do I owe you for this lovely piece of jewelery, sir," I asked politely. He brought me over to the register and plugged it in.

"That will be $759, miss," the clerk answered. I forked over the cash. I really didn't like using my credit card for these kinds of things. Tyson wasn't really shocked by the number of paper currency I just handed over. He knew I preferred cash over plastic. I gave the clerk $760. I didn't need the cash back anyway. It was only a dollar anyway. Why would I really need that? The clerk gave me my receipt and we were on our way back home.

"Don't say a word, understand," I told Tyson. He nodded his head and smiled beyond his heart's content. He was too excited for this. I literally became his second mother over these five years. He was grateful that Becca had the support from another. I heard him giggle in the back seat. "What's so funny?"

"I'm just imagining Becca's face when you propose to her. How are you going to do that anyway? I'm just wondering," he spoke. He sounded so curious and yet excited. I don't know how he's going to be able to keep his mouth shut about this.

"It's a secret," I said. I left it at that. He whined and sulked. He really wanted to know. I still wasn't goin to tell him just in case he blabs.


He talked about what happened at school at dinner. Daniel was after him again. Daniel Evans has been a bully to Tyson since he was seven. Daniel as his family live in a flat not to far from ours. Just on the floor below us. I sighed and shook my head softly. What does that boy have against Tyson? I looked at the clock and saw the time. Tyson hasn't even started his homework. "Tyson, maybe you should go do your homework," I suggested to him. He nodded his head with that brilliant smile of his and cleared his plate. He dashed off up the stairs to his room. Now it was just Becca and I. I was nervous. Becca could tell based on my body language.

"Are you okay? You've been acting strangely since you got home," Becca asked. My mouth went dry instantly. It's now or never Bren. I took a deep breath and faced her, turning my entire body towards her in my chair. Curiosity flickered like a flame on a candle wick in her eyes.

"Becca, I've been so grateful for the years that I've spent with you. I thank you. I never thought that I would be able to find happiness again. I found it with you. Not just anyone, but with you. I never thought that I would find someone who'd mean so much to me. Becca, what I'm trying to say is," I got out of my chair and knelt down before her. She gasped when she saw the gorgeous gem. "Becca Madeline Swan, will you do the honor of marrying me?"

She had tears creeping from the corners of her dazzling irises of amber. "Yes," she said. I smiled with everlasting joy and placed the extravagant ring upon her finger. Tyson giggled from the stairs. The two of us looked over at him. We all smiled and Becca began wiping away her tears of joy. He came running over to us and wrapped his little arms around us both. "Did you know about this," she asked her little brother. He nodded his head. She laughed.

"He's good at keeping secrets," I said with a hint of laughter.

"I guess so," Becca stated.

"That I am," Tyson joined in.

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