(11) That's Him

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The picture is an example of the school colors. I couldn't find anything else similar.


Football turned out to be a pretty big deal in this town.

First of all, Will came home from work early just to get to the game on time. Carolynn cooked dinner early and fed Makennah and Grace. Grace decided to come over to her place instead of Makennah heading to hers. Carolynn was thrilled of course and went above and beyond the call of duty for dinner.

They left the house around five pm in order to get a good parking spot and a decent seat in the stands. Carolynn supplied two chairs for Grace and Makennah to utilize in the end zone as their seats. Both Grace and Carolynn explained that all of the students - especially the girls who were picked by the players to wear their jerseys - sat in the end zone and made it the student section.

Makennah had never seen such antics before. At the same time, it thrilled her. There was so much excitement and energy surging through the air. Makennah had to admit that she felt a little special wearing someone's jersey. Okay, not someone. Theo. She felt really special wearing Theo's jersey especially because she was the new girl, just getting acquainted.

"This way!" Grace grabbed Makennah's hand and dragged her to the end zone where they could set up their chairs with a bird's eye view of the field.

Because it was still technically summer, the sun shone high in the sky but would descend into dusk as the game went on. Makennah admired the Colorado sky with the stands in the background beginning to fill with friends, families, and supporters of the Braxton High Academy football team.

"Hey, new girl." Meredith with all of her luxurious raven hair plopped in Grace's seat while she jogged to the concession stand to snatch up a few candy bars. Makennah vowed not to eat more than one for the sake of her intestines.

"What's up?"

"How's soccer going?" Meredith asked.

"I decided to join the team," Makennah informed her.

"I knew you would! That's so great! So to be honest, I have a question."

Makennah's eyebrows raised. "What's that?"

"You're living with the Sinclair's right?"

She nodded. "Yes, ma'am." So far, no one had been nosy enough to enquire about how that assignment occurred but Makennah didn't dare bring it up. From what she could gather, no one knew she was a foster child.

"And can you keep a secret?"

She thought about Cassandra and Matt and the mystery man she was cheating with. "Definitely."

Clearing her throat, Meredith delicately leaned across the arm of her chair and bent her mouth towards Makennah's ear. She leaned in, even though she hated whispering. "I have the hots for Nick."

Makennah raised her eyebrows and nodded her head. "Go on."

"We have two classes together, and we talk here and there. I think he might be a little interested in me. Or maybe I'm totally overthinking it. I was wondering if you could be my little mole in the Sinclair household?"

Makennah smiled. No matter what she knew about Nick, she would lie through her teeth to protect Meredith's heart. "Sure, of course." Makennah understood that Nick was well acquainted with the ladies of Braxton High. In fact, he regularly had dates and gatherings with many of them weekly. But the more she thought about it, she could pretty accurately guess that none of those outings were serious. "Does he flirt with you?"

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