Chapter 9: Class Trip - END

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Tsuna covered his ears, laughing awkwardly at the shocked faces that his guardians and friends were sending him.


Not long after Group 1 had arrived at the hotel, everyone brought together again, Class 1-B had entered back into the hotel they were temporarily staying in, but before then, the Vongola and Shimon group bid goodbye to Haru—whose own classmates had come looking for her. Angel had ended up running off somewhere before Haru left with her own group, but before then, Tsuna could've sworn that the cat had given him a nod—of respect—but before he could think on the matter any longer, she had disappeared from sight. He didn't know why, but he was sure that he'd end up seeing her again..

Later on, Class 1-B had eaten dinner, and took their baths for the night. After those events, having no choice, Tsuna had gathered his friends and guardians outside on one of the hotel's balconies to speak of the previous events that him and his groupmates went through that day. To say the least, they were all surely surprised.


"And four of our classmates ended up finding out..." Kyoko sighed, a bit saddened that innocent people got involved with the mafia. She didn't mind getting involved herself, but it was so sudden for the others in Tsuna's group.

"That's..quite unfortunate huh?" Yamamoto said, scratching his head.

"It wasn't too big of a deal really! They promised to keep things a secret, I took care of that mafia famiglia, and we're all fine now, so..." Tsuna had shrunk a little bit at the majority of glares that were sent his way.

"That's no good Tsuna-kun!" Kyoko said with an angry look on her face, Chrome nodding in agreement.

"You were planning on hiding this from us, right? Did you really think that we couldn't find out?" Yamamoto asked seriously.

"You should trust us more." Hana said flatly.

"You're more important than anyone else Juudaime!" Gokudera exclaimed, a bit too loud.

"If anything, not telling us shows that you don't trust us. And I'm sure that isn't true." Enma stated, as if it were a matter of fact.

"That's right. Relying on others is a good thing Sawada-chan." Shittopi said with an amused smile.

Tsuna only stared at them all with a mixture of shock and surprise. After thinking to himself for a few moments, he let out a sigh.

"Yeah, you're was wrong of me to try and hide this. Sorry guys.."




"Well that's that!" Yamamoto said cheerfully.

"You changed moods real fast." Gokudera grumbled with annoyance.

"As long as you understand." Hana said, to which Kyoko Chrome, Enma and Shittopi agreed to.

Tsuna only let out a relieved sigh as the tension that he was surrounded with only a second ago dispersed. Earlier, he was very conflicted on whether or not to tell his friends and guardians about what had happened, that he overlooked their own feelings too. He did feel bad about that, but after the caring words that they gave him, he felt a whole lot better. Tsuna was about to express his thanks, but before he could-




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