Chapter 14 - A Day With The (Obnoxious) Lightning

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"Are you done crying now?"



"F-fine...I'm fine..."

Tsuna sighed but still smiled as he patted Lambo's huge afro.

'Well, we're probably not heading back anytime soon, so...' Tsuna and Lambo sat in silence for a while before the former remembered something, digging into his jacket pocket. Lambo looked up at him curiously, his eyes still wet with tears. Finding what he was looking for, Tsuna pulled it out and showed it to Lambo.

"Want it?" Lambo widened his eyes in awe at the small lolipop before snatching it from Tsuna's hands, plopping it into his mouth. Tsuna shifted his eyes to look up at the sky, absentmindedly watching some birds fly by as he tried to recollect how the two of them even got into their current situation of sitting on a bench, across the whole amusement park, far from their companions, and a countless amount of people walking back and forth in the crowd.


In order to continue with the task that he was given by Giotto, the next person on Tsuna's list to deepen his bond with was Lambo. Although, knowing how hyper Lambo was, this would be a difficult endeavor to accomplish. So, to make things easy, Tsuna set a day for going to an amusement park instead. He believed that it was the perfect place for a young child like Lambo, and he wouldn't be too difficult to handle in that sense.

Although, going there with just Lambo would be too much for him, and "luckily" for him (mind you luckily in quotes), Reborn "just so happened" to find out about his plans and invited Nana, Ipin and Fuuta to come along with.

Long story short they had all been going about their day until a bird came and snatched away Lambo's near-finished cotton candy. Lambo--clearly upset--ran after the bird in hopes for revenge and Tsuna followed, telling everyone else that they'd catch up soon. Although, Lambo soon lost sight of the bird with Tsuna trailing along, far across the amusement park far from where they originally ran from. Much more people had now crowded the park from when they first arrived and Tsuna's phone ended up dying because he forgot to charge it the night before.


'Knowing Reborn he'll probably find us soon, but at the same time I feel as though he'd just leave us behind.' Tsuna stretched out his arms before glancing at Lambo, who was eating his candy without a care in the world.

After sitting in silence for a while longer, Tsuna stood up, getting Lambo's attention.

"Are we going to go play now?" Tsuna made a confused face at the question.

"Huh? Shouldn't we find everyone else first? I can't contact them because my phone is out of power so we'll need to look around..."

"Baka-Tsuna. It'd take way too long to go walk around and look for everyone individually. Or do you just want to waste time?"

Tsuna clicked his tongue at that.

'Do you think I don't know that.'

"So what else are we supposed to do then Lambo?" He asked, playing along.

"Like I said, let's go play!" Tsuna stared blankly at Lambo's determined face before letting out a sigh.

"Alright fine. Let's go." Lambo beamed, before grabbing Tsuna's pant leg to drag him to their first attraction to ride.

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