Chapter 15 - A Day With the (Energetic) Sun

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"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight..."


Tsuna raised himself up from his stretching position and waved at Ryohei who was running towards his way at full speed.

"Good morning-"


"Ah..." Tsuna sweatdropped at the man's enthusiasm. Well, he had already gotten used with how loud he was, so it didn't bother him as much anymore.

"Alright, so are you ready then?"

"ABSOLUTELY! LET'S GO SAWADA!" Tsuna sighed as he and Ryohei began their early morning jog around town. He mentally hoped that Ryohei didn't wake up anyone who was still sleeping with his loud yelling.  


The next person on Tsuna's list to gain a deeper understanding with was Sasagawa Ryohei. Well, to be honest Tsuna felt as though he already pretty much knew all there was to know about his noisy Sun guardian, but the same could be said with the majority of his other guardians too, but so far, he'd learned more than he thought he would, so...

Honestly though, he really wondered if he was doing a good job with the assignment he had been given. What if after he finished up Giotto tells him that the way he handled things were terrible and that he was disappointed? That's the last thing that Tsuna wanted, and right now, he had absolutely no idea how to check his progress with Giotto. He wouldn't summon him in his dreams per usual after all, and he wouldn't answer when he tried to contact him through his ring.

This made Tsuna feel more stressful than when dealing with schoolwork, but there was nothing that he could do about it. Not like that'd stop him from doing his best though. 


"Sawada?" Tsuna jumped as Ryohei called out to him. He was so stuck in his thoughts that he didn't even realize that he was trying to get his attention.

"Ah, sorry..." Ryohei only waved him off.

"Don't worry about it! You were really into that run though, weren't you? You kept running for several minutes even after we made our whole way around town."

Tsuna blinked at that.

"I...what?" He looked around and saw that him and Ryohei were in the shopping district again, store owners all around setting up for the day. Now that he thought back, the shopping district was one of the first places they ran through this morning. Tsuna scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry about that..." The boxer only laughed in response.

"Like I said, don't worry about it! All that means is that you've truly become one with training after all!"

It is true that after Reborn got his real body back that Tsuna was forced into doing much more training in different aspects, but to lose himself in it is something that had never happened to him before. Perhaps he was slowly losing it...his sanity, I mean.

'At least having a lot of stamina is a good thing though.'

"Anyways!!" Tsuna looked up at Ryohei who was stretching his arms.

"I'll come grab you later in the day! You said that you were free after all, right?"

Tsuna only nodded, while Ryohei smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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