Chapter 10 - Between Ancestor and Descendant {1}

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"Alright, I'm done!" Tsuna grinned as he handed his completed Italian test over to Giotto, the latter blinking in surprise as he took the paper from his descendant's hands.

"Oh, is that so? It's only been a few minutes, despite there being 20 questions here..." Tsuna let out a triumphant huff as Giotto brandished a pen and began to grade the boy's work.

"Well, I've been practicing my skills in secret in the real world too Giotto-san, so I'm pretty confident in my abilities now."

"I see...that's good to hear. Also, I'm done."

"Eh!? That was fast! Well, let's see..." Tsuna took the graded paper from Giotto's hands, his eyes widening at the number grade on the paper.

"....A 60." Giotto laughed at Tsuna's downcast look.

"Well, it's better than from your previous language tests. You used to get 30s on your English tests, and 20s on German tests back then, and the first Italian test I ever gave you got a 7-"

"Okay okay! I get it, I was terrible, and this is an improvement. Well...I'm just glad that I'm getting better." Giotto scooted over to Tsuna—who was currently staring at his paper with a sad smile—and ruffled his hair.

"Don't worry Tsunayoshi-kun. There's no need to rush nor overwork yourself. It's only been a couple of months since I've started teaching you. You're bound to get even more better."

Tsuna glanced at Giotto, who was giving his a closed-eye smile, which prompted Tsuna to smile back and nod.

"By the way, Giotto-san?" addressed man looked at Tsuna with curiosity.

"Hm? What is it?"

"I was just wondering...ever since you started helping me out and all, we've mostly focused on me learning multiple languages, and also giving me lessons here and there, but is there anything else that we're going to be working on too?"



"...Well, I was going to address it later, but I guess we could start now." Giotto stood up, Tsuna only looking at him with curiosity.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Giotto gestured Tsuna to stand up, which is what the latter did, although still puzzled on what was about to happen. Giotto proceeded to take of his cloak, which resulted in an even more confused look from Tsuna.

'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?' he thought, holding in his breath.

Giotto cracked his knuckles before putting his hands off to the side.

"What we're going to spar."




"Excuse me?"

"You're going to fight me Tsunayoshi-kun." Giotto said with a straight face.

Tsuna's eyes widened.

"I'm going to what!?"

"There's no need to be afraid. You needn't hold back at all. I'll take you at your full streng-"

"Nonono! This doesn't make any sense!" Giotto held a look of confusion.

"What do you mean it doesn't make any sense?" Tsuna took a few deep breaths before stuttering over his words.

"I-I mean, w-why on earth do I need to fight you? It's so sudden!" Giotto's mouth made an 'o' shape before he decided to explain himself.

"Aren't you the one who asked what else we're going to focus on aside from the lessons I've been giving you and language?" Tsuna blinked in surprise.

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