Chapter 13 - A Day With The (Light-hearted) Rain

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Tsuna flinched as the metal-spiked baseball flew past his face, only a few mere centimeters away from striking him head-on.

"Ahaha! Sorry about that Tsuna! Are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine, but thanks for the concern Yamamoto-kun..." Tsuna sighed as he finally acknowledged that he may legit die today.


It was supposed to be a regular new day. It had only been two days since Tsuna spent his day with Gokudera, and that night he wasn't called by Giotto from his deep slumber, leading him to believe that he wouldn't be able to speak with the man again until he completed his "mission."

Wishing not to waste too much time, he made plans with Yamamoto to hang out the following day, which the latter cheerfully agreed to.

Of course, the whole idea of this whole entire concept of spending a day with just each one of his friends was to get to know them better and spend actual alone time with them, but of course, with the world that Tsuna lives in, life is never that easy whatsoever.

Anyways, knowing Yamamoto, his first order of business was to get some exercise and entertainment in by heading straight to
playing baseball. Although, not long after the two set up for the game—well two people don't make a game, so it was more of a practice session than anything—with Yamamoto as batter and Tsuna as pitcher, Reborn randomly walked onto the fray.

"Oh, Reborn, what's up?" Yamamoto greeted cheerfully, a lopsided smile on his face. Tsuna's reaction was quite different though.
"R-Reborn!? What are you doing here?" Reborn only gave an innocent smile.

"I was only walking about going about my day, and happened to see you two setting up here, so I decided to hop in on the fun!"

"LIAR!" Tsuna yelled, pointing accusingly at the large bag Reborn was carrying on his back. He was only ignored as Reborn took the bag off his back, opening the zipper.

"Well then, let's get started, shall we?"

Tsuna didn't feel good, at all.


'I can't have a single peaceful moment, can I?' Tsuna thought, exhaling a deep breath.

"Things just can't get any worse-"

"Hey, Reborn-san!" Tsuna tensed up at the familiar voice and turned to see a group of
unexpected visitors.

"Ah, and Tsuna-kun, Yamamoto-kun. Good day to you two."

"Yo, good morning Romario-san!"

"W-what are you doing here Romario-san? And with some of Dino-san's men too?" Tsuna asked, exasperated.

"Well, you see, Reborn-san," he gestured to him, "called me yesterday to inform us that we would be needed for important matters today regarding you, so we flew right over!
Unfortunately, the Boss couldn't come with us—despite really wanting to, because he's still got important work he's doing over in Italy, but he did tell me to send his regards!" Tsuna only nodded in relief.

'In a way, I'm kind of glad Dino-san didn't come. I feel like today would end up being even more of a disaster if he did.' Quickly wrapping up his thoughts, Tsuna turned towards Reborn.

"So, Reborn...what is the exact meaning on this?"

Reborn only grinned widely.

"We're going to play a baseball game."

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