Chapter 12

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The cool breeze from the conditioner blew directly on Ice body as he sat and watched the middle aged men talking politics. 

He twitched his jaw as he maintained a serious face listened to the directors also talk about their various million dollar businesses.

He just wanted this meeting to end quickly so he can go home already.

His dad and his two business partners met up for a dinner meeting at an expensive hotel.  Since he was the good son, his dad always took him out to these business trips to flaunt to his friends.

Between his two sons, Ice was the only who took his education serious. His brother, Turn, was never interested in studying. As the first son, Turn thought he had more privileges and right than Ice. But their father had his way of making him humble.

Ice didn't care about any privileges or rights. He envied Turn whose mother was alive and loved him even when he messed up. Ice never knew his mother. He never knew a mother's love.

After they finished dinner, the men said their goodbyes and left in their cars.

Ice was relieved when he got into the car with his dad. They both entered the backseat while the driver started the ignition.

The man was satisfied with the way his son composed himself throughout the meeting. He couldn't stop smiling throughout the ride home.

"Those men are going to be our future partners," the man said to his son. "Be respectful to them, you hear that son."

"Yes," Ice nodded.

When they reached home, ice greeted their home keeper went straight upstairs to his room. He heard the lady telling his dad about the whereabouts of his brother. He had left home since morning and haven't returned yet.

Ice was not surprised. That was Turn's lifestyle. He lived on the edge doing drugs and whatnot. But who cared. Definitely he didn't.

His brother was the least issue on his mind right now. He just wanted to relax.



The next morning he woke up feeling very sore in all part of his body. He had waist pain and a terrible headache. He couldn't stand from the bed.

The bed next to his empty. Where did Ex go so early in the morning? He reached for his phone under his pillow and tapped the screen.


! ! !

His eyes brightened in surprise when he saw the time. It was almost 10am. How did he sleep for long? His boss was going to kill him. He tried to stand up but the pain was so much. He had muscle cramps in his laps and he remained in bed. Ex was just a bad roommate. How can he prepare for school without waking him? He dialled his number.

"Ai'Earth. Are you awake?"

"No I'm dead, you asshole. Why didn't you wake me?" Earth spoke into the mouthpiece of the phone before replacing it on his ear. He couldn't even get angry because Ex was not worth the pain.

"Ai... You were sleeping so soundly like a baby I didn't want to disturb you."

"If I get fired, you will have to pay for it, Ex."

Earth cut the call in annoyance. He didn't know whether to get angry at Ex for not waking him on time or get angry at his body for becoming weak. He had no option but to call his boss. If he explained truthfully maybe the man would spare him and let him come to work later in the day.


Ice pulled the door to the restaurant with ease. It was crowded with students as usual. He didn't care about the crowd. He only came for one person.

He looked at the counter first but Earth was not there. His eyes roved around the tables and corners. He should be busy serving somewhere. Earth was not serving at any table either.

Where could he be? Ice wondered. He walked to the counter. He met the boss preparing milk tea for some students. Ice thought it was unusual for the man to serve. The man was restless and sweating.

"Excuse me, where is the guy that normally serve here?" Ice asked his eyes beaming with cuteness.

"You mean N'Earth?" The man smiled as he noticed who was talking to him.

Ice nodded.

"Earth called in sick, few minutes ago. I don't know how he expect me to handle all this work by myself," The man yelled. The customers around fidgeted because of his temper.

Ice turned to leave. He hated meddling with other people's affairs. But from the look of things, the boss was strict. He can easily fire Earth and replace him with a younger and stronger person. He knew Earth needed the job and money.

He thought of all these randomly. But why was he feeling bad all of a sudden? What is his business in the first place? Shouldn't he just walk away and let the boy sort his issues out? What if the boy gets fired?

Ice took a step but returned.
"I will replace him," he suddenly heard himself speak to the boss.


"I will replace Earth for today," Ice repeated. He started folding the hem of his shirt sleeve and loosened his black tie. He was really serious about it.

Well, Earth will have to pay him back for getting his hands dirty. Hopefully he pays back this rare gesture in kind. The thought of it alone gladdened Ice's stomach, not heart.

The boss eyed him in disbelief. Someone like Ice wants to be a waiter. What a friend!

Ice wasn't sure what he was doing either. He had never even washed a plate all his life. He walked behind the counter. He collected the apron from its hanger and wore it. He washed his hands and began working immediately.

The students who came over to eat at the restaurant couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the Ice king serving behind the counter.

Some found it amusing, others found him cute. Most students called their friends to come over to the restaurant and have their meals.

The restaurant manager was happy about the sales that morning. Ice worked till it was lunch break. The boss told him to take a break. He had already made a day's sales.

Ice was quite energetic. He didn't stop at that. He packed some soup and milk and kept it in the passenger's seat of his car.

He got into the drivers' seat and looked at himself in the mirror. What is gotten into you Ice?  He stared at his reflection. Doing all this for a boy. Was it too much or what? He had never gone this far before to get a boy. Or was there something special about Earth.

He hit the ignition and drove off.

Thanks for reading.

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