Chapter 18

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Pink, Rise and the other girls were practicing their dance moves on the cheerleaders spot, a corner beside the field while the football teams met at the field after lectures.

Nat, Tan, coach Tip, assistant coach Bank and other students were all dressed in their blue and white jersey uniforms warming up for practice.

The junior players including Nat and Tan ran around the field attempting to at least make their coach happy.

Tip kept screaming till his eyes popped out of its sockets.

"Take it easy A'Tip. It's just practice," Bank told him.

"This boys are playing like old women! What the hell have they been doing?" Tip's eyes went back to the field. "Hey... Tan! Don't hold the ball for too long. Pass the ball to someone else...aishh!!"

Bank shook his head and chuckled. "Calm down, Tip," He rubbed the young coach's back.

Tip put his hands at akimbo. "They play like monkeys on the field after spending all my money on them."

After about thirty minutes the boys were exhausted. They all left the field in a hurry. Some left to buy chilled drinks to cool their bodies.

Nat was the most exhausted of them all. He went to an open cafe near the field to get chilled strawberry juice. As he was about ordered, to his surprise he saw Pink walking towards the same cafe.

He fidgeted a bit. He got carried away by her short red skirt and tight white shirt.

"One pink milk for me," she said sweetly to the seller. She totally ignored Nat. They were not in the same class or college obviously.

She didn't even know him since she flirted with rich popular boys. Nat stood aside while the seller smiled and began preparing her milk.

"But P', I came before her..." Nat murmured.

Pink turned and shot a look at him. "What did you say?"
Nat froze as her eyes searched his face for any suspicious expression.

"Nothing," He stammered out. He squeezed his face in annoyance and started grumbling to himself at the corner.

Pink collected her milk gracefully and paid the seller. As she left the cafe, Nat noticed a purse on the table. He grabbed it.

"P'Pink, P'Pink..." He called so loudly.

She ignored him at first but when she saw Rise and Kab walking towards her, she decided to show her charms and possibly make both girls jealous.

"Yes, what is it?" She asked sweetly with a cute smile.

"P' You forgot your purse!" Nat called back waving the purse at her.

She rolled her eyes in disgust. She thought he was about to complement on her beauty or something.

Just as she made to walk back, Rise roughly brushed shoulders with her. The impact threw off the milky contents in the cup.


The milk spilled on Pink's white top forming a thick pink creamy paste across her chest.

! ! !

Pink looked around the field, nobody seemed to have noticed her. Others who saw her quickly looked away and pretended not to see anything

"Can't you see, Rise?" She yelled, staring at the other girl with mean eyes. There were drops of milk on her face and hair.

"You did this on purpose," Pink yelled again breathing deeply. All she thought of was pulling Rise's hair.

Rise stared at her rival with a fake smile on her lips. Without remorse, she quickly walked away from the scene totally snobbing the Pink like nothing just happened.

Nat ran over to Pink's and saw the mess.

"P'Pink, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know," Pink screamed. "It's that witch's fault. She purposely pushed me..And you why did you even call me?"

"I'm sorry P. I didn't mean for this to happen.

Nat was worried. But he was somehow happy. This was an opportunity to show off his manly charms to his pretty crush.

He thought fast.

"Come with me," he held out his hands towards Pink. She eyed him suspiciously but she had no choice but to trust him.

* * *

Pink sat on the seat near the flowers waiting. She was calm now. But she can't forget what Rise did to her.

She peeled off flower petals and threw them in the air. She had waited about thirty minutes. Nat had helped wash her shirt. He willingly gave her his white shirt to wear. Luckily for him, he was wearing a white inner vest.

"Let's give it some minutes to dry," he said when he returned. He had hung Pink's shirt on the flowers directly under the sunlight.

Pink nodded.

"Thanks," she muttered slyly. She had never been in such an awkward situation where she will be thanking a poor junior. She felt like entering the ground.

"What did you say your name was again?"

"Nataporn, my friends call me Nat."

Pink nodded. She stared at his bare arms and shoulders. They were strong and muscular. Maybe from all the football training he does.

"Nat, I think I will go home now. Can I borrow your shirt?"

Nat raised his eyebrows. "Why? I can stay with you till your shirt dries. You don't have to go home now."

"Can't you see, I can't continue the practice, or my classes," Pink snapped. "I'm totally embarrassed of this whole thing."

"But P, it was just an accident, I'm only trying to help." 

Why are you yelling at me??

"Whatever. I just need to go home," Pink turned to leave. Then she stopped.

"Nat, can you keep this a secret between us. I don't want you misunderstanding this for something else since It was an accident."

Nat nodded. Girls can be real complicated sometimes.

"Can I have my shirt?"

Nat picked up the white shirt he had spread on the flowers, folded it up and gave it to Pink. It was still damp but she left with it.

Tan who have been hiding behind the flowers and watching the whole show jumped out few minutes after Pink left.

"Hello, Mr lover boy," He embraced Nat's shoulders.

"Tan, I think my heart is going to explode," Nat grasped his chest muscles. He was still looking at Pink as she walked away.

"Your heart has exploded many times, what's making it explode this time."

"Tan, do you think I might be in love, as in me, Nat falling in love with P'..."

"P'Pink? Don't even mention her name. Do you want her fans to kill you. She's got vampires as fans. So wake up."

Nat whined and stomped his legs around the ground.

Thanks for reading.

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