Chapter 57

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The ride to school was a little quiet and awkward. Wip watched the two seniors. They were like two lovers who were mad at each other. Tip was not his usual nagging self. He was suddenly as quiet as a mouse.

"A'Tip, you had better thanked P'Skit for coming to help you last night. You were so drunk and wasted."

"Its your fault, frog eyes," Tip retorted. "You knew I was in a vulnerable situation and you took me out to drink."

"That's because Tip missed Skit," Wip hummed the sentence like a tune.

"Shut up!" Tip didn't have the strength to argue Because he was having a headache.

Skit stopped at the parking beside the art college. The soccer field was opposite the college. Wip got off the car and waved at them.

"Don't you have soccer practice?" Skit asked looking out to the school field from the car window.

"Soccer practice, yes," Tip shook his head. "Are you still mad at me?"

Skit chuckled and threw a glance at the young man sitting beside him. He looked so cute with that pouted face as he played with his fingers waiting for an answer.

Skit couldn't get angry even if he wanted to. He watched the young captain closely.

"Do you know how worried I was last night," Skit said calmly. "I thought, if anything happened to you I would never forgive myself for not expressing my feelings at the right time."

Feelings again. Tip breathed.

"It was Wip's fault. He dragged me out of the house..."

"I want to be more than friends with you, Tip," Skit cut him off.

The captain remained quiet. Why did he feel suddenly shy hearing this from Skit? He missed the singer like crazy the past few days, and now he was with him, he wanted to run. He had been in this situation before.

He recalled an awkward situation he had with his crush way back in high school. It was his first time confessing to Ten, the handsome junior who was also the best player in their team. But it didn't go too well. Turned out he had someone.

"I ... thought... you have a girlfriend."

Skit breathed deeply. He laughed thinly.

"No, the girl you saw me talking with on phone is my sister."

"Oh..." Tip gasped. "I swear I'm going to kill Wip."

Skit chuckled. "Leave Wip out of this. She wants to meet you too."

"Who? Your sister?"

Skit nodded.

"A'Skit can we talk about this later. I have to go. The kids will be waiting for me at the field right now."

Skit shrugged. "Okay. Later then. I will give you a call."

Tip stepped out of the car. "A'Skit, you don't have to answer Wip's call every time, he is a tricky boy. And don't drive him to school he has his two legs he can walk. You are a busy person, he doesn't have to disturb you like this."

Skit smiled and shook his head. Tip was his nagging self again.

"It's okay. Tip."

Tip watched the singer drive off. He was still dazed by what just happened. His face was red from shyness and blushing.

He gradually strode towards the football field where the juniors were already gathered. The first person to meet him was Nat.

"P'Tip... Oh, why are not dressed in captain uniform?"

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