Chapter 50

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Early Monday morning, the moon and stars were all set to leave the beach. They boarded the tour bus after taking a group photo with all the staffs. Their three day beach outing have finally ended.

Mark saw Ice and Earth leaving together in the car. He felt a little happy when he saw them. So something was really going on with those two all along. The two seemed to be perfect for each other.

Mark quickly boarded the bus and joined Tan in his seat. He was going to spend the bus ride with Tan.

"What are you smiling about?" Tan asked looking at his friend with love in his eyes.



"I am just happy to ride in the bus with you."

"Haha... Serious. Don't tell me it's your first time taking a bus?"


"What about your friend?"

"He left already."

"Ohh... is that why you're happy," Tan shook his head.

The bus glided slowly away from the beach environs and headed straight to town.

"Are you preparing something for your talent show?"

"I still don't know what to do for the talent show. I just love soccer. I guess it's my talent. Imagine me playing ball on stage."

Mark laughed out. "No, apart from football. What else can you do?"

"Making you laugh, young master," Tanaporn smiled.

"I know, be serious."

Tan was running out of ideas for his talent presentation. He only knew how to play football.

"Can you dance?"

"What? Dance..."

"I can teach you, it won't be difficult at all."

Tan thought about it. He had no dancing skills.
But maybe if he gives it a trial it could work out for him.

"Okay. I will do it."

* * *

Five minutes into the ride, Ice slowed his car down and parked beside the road. Earth looked and saw other cars speeding past them. He wondered why they had stopped.

"Is there something wrong with the car?" He asked looking around.

"You didn't fix your seatbelt," Ice replied.

"Oh.. Sorry," Earth reached out to pull the belt when Ice held his hands.

"Don't worry I will help you."

Earth stayed still.

Ice pulled the belt half way and paused. His face was close to the cute man. He couldn't resist the urge to just stare, he pressed his lips against Earth's pink lips.

Earth gasped. He didn't expect that sudden kiss. He slightly held Ice shoulders and pulled him back.

"I didn't touch you last night, its taking a toil on my body..." Ice said as if nothing happened. "I can't believe I slept without touching you. Never happened..."

Ice locked the seatbelt and made to start the car. He glanced at the young man who haven't moved or said a word.

Earth remained quiet. He was still recovering from the unexpected kiss.

"Why so quiet?"

"Err... I..."

"What? You want to jump out of the car again?"




"You're not jumping out?"

"No. I'm not."

"You heard what I said earlier?"

"Yes, you never slept without touching a boy at night."

"Good. How did it happen?"

"You said you didn't want to rush me, you wanted to take things... slow," Earth stammered feeling shy.

"I said that?" Ice asked pointing to his own chest.

Earth nodded.

Ice tilted his head towards Earth.

"I can't believe I said something like that."

"It's your loss," Earth grinned and looked out of the window.

Yes, Ice agreed. It's his loss. What's the rush anyway? The fact that he slept like a baby through out the night without touching this cute man meant something.

Ice smiled. He started the ignition and drove off.

To be continued...

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