Chapter 22

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He stepped into the large sitting room of their expensive mansion. He was really tired and wanted to just crash on his bed.

He sighted his older brother sipping on some alcohol. Was he back from his gallivanting around town?

He muttered a sort of short greeting and made for the stairs.

"Are you keeping late nights now?"
Turn queried. His voice echoed in the large house and irritated ice's ears.

He stopped in his tracks.
What is it now? He wondered.

Turn strode towards Ice but kept his distance. He was tall and lanky, but as handsome as his brother.

"P'Turn, I'm not really in the mood," Ice blurted out rudely.

"Didn't you miss me. I have been away for some days bro."

Ice took a deep breath and kept his gaze on the man standing in front of him.

"What is it you want?"

"Our good son is keeping late nights, how interesting, wait till dad hears about it."

Ice looked away. He was his father's favorite and he had to keep up the good son image.

"Or are you running out of boys to play with?" Turn scoffed.

"P'Turn!" Ice voice trembled.

Turn grinned wickedly sipped from the cup again. His other hand was in his pants pocket. He wasn't moved by Ice reaction. This was not the first time they had such encounter so he was getting used to it.

Looking pissed, Ice turned and took a step up the stairs.

"Dad says to tell you to prepare, you will be going on a function with him by weekend," Turn muttered. He spoke fast but Ice heard him.

Ice breathed calmly and walked up the stairs without looking back.

He got to his bedroom and laid down on his bed. He felt lonely all of a sudden. He had two issues on his mind. First, was about what Turn told him. That means he was going to be quite busy on Saturday.

Secondly, was about Earth. Ice had never worked so much just to get a lover. Every guy he ever courted never thought twice about dating him. Only that he got bored easily and always wanted a new relationship.

It's been over a month already and Earth have been totally rejecting him. It wasn't fair and ice has run out of ideas on how to get the cute boy.

His heart skipped a beat as he imagined Earth in his white apron, his coffee brown hair neatly styled away from his small cute face, his thick side burns, small dark eyes and his kissable pink lips. He flipped his hair at intervals whenever he spoke and Ice found the gesture so compelling.

He sighed as he laid in bed. Is he really sure he was just going to have fun with Earth and dump him afterwards? He couldn't bear the thought of another person holding Earth and all. What if someone else gets him before he does?


About a few minutes past noon on Saturday, Earth was in the cafeteria working extra time for extra pay as usual.

The flat television hung on the wall was showing the news on politics.

A reporter was narrating the latest on politics when Ice face suddenly came up on the screen. Earth felt the urge to sneeze almost immediately and he did. He quickly wiped his nose with his handkerchief and washed his hands.

He stood at a corner and stared at the screen viewing Ice and his father as they were greeted by the locals. There was lots of cameramen and reporters swarming around them. There was positive comments from the reporter about Ice composure and character.

Here was Ice, the popular rich kid everyone loved to hate. Earth took a deep breath and got back to work. He served the customers while thinking on whether to give Ice a chance or not.

As he was carrying a tray of fresh drinks to serve some customers, he tripped.

He recovered his balance but a plastic cup spilled its contents on the tray and down to the tiled floor. Earth is aware of the curious eyes in the restaurant watching him.

He panicked. He wished his boss not to see him at that time because he will yell at him in front of the customers.

He quickly kept the tray on a nearby table and bent down to clean up the mess.

Just then he felt a hand on his. He looked up to see a pair of brown eyes staring back at him.

Earth recognized Ming, the moon of engineering but he was too lost to begin to think at the moment. Was Ming this handsome up close? There was a soft smile on his face with a set of small laugh lines by the corners of his mouth.

Ming collected the towel and began cleaning the floor while Earth watched him in astonishment.

Just then the harsh voice of his boss broke his trance.

"What are doing, Earth? Are you going to spill all the drinks in my shop? What the hell is wrong with you? Huh? How clumsy of you! You're going to pay for it right now?"

Ming stood up and faced the boss. "Sir, don't yell at Nong Earth, it was my fault, I spilled the milk, I will pay for it. Here."

Ming brought out his wallet and gave the boss a note that can buy a dozen of the milk.

The boss quickly smiled. "Sorry, I never knew Earth had such a kind friend."

"It's okay. I hope Earth don't pay for it again."

"No no. It's settled." The man walked back to his office. "Get back to work." He motioned to Earth.

Earth stared at Ming. "You didn't have to pay for that, P'Ming."

They both walked to the counter.

"Don't worry. I don't usually come to this part of the campus, but I was invited to address the moons and stars for this year competition."

Earth nodded.

"I'm a little thirsty, what's the best drink you have here?"

"You should try our Thai milk tea."


To be continued...

Thanks for reading.

Tulips The Series - Thai BL Drama ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora