Chapter 15

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The current moon of the university Moon Ming, walked into the canteen beside the engineering college. He ordered for shrimp rice soup and a cup of juice.

The canteen was buzzling with murmurs and giggles from some students, most of them were fans of the handsome moon.

Ming took his plate of food and walked around looking for a free spot to sit. He spotted Earth in the crowd. He was eating with a friend. He had seen Earth a few times delivering food and snacks and wanted to meet him.

"Can I join you guys?" Ming asked casually with a welcoming smile on his face.

Ploy and Earth looked up to see who it was. To their surprise, it was the campus moon.

"Oh, sure." Ploy replied making room for the senior.

"Thanks." Ming sat comfortably beside Ploy. He looked at Earth sitting opposite him.

"Your friend is quite cute. I feel I might loose my crown to him." Ming joked.

"No, P'." Earth said while chewing.

"He is not even competiting." Ploy said. "I told him to join but he refused."

"Aw...Why? Why are you not competiting? Even if you don't win, your cute looks can earn you the most popular award."

"P', I really don't have time for it." Earth replied while he shuffled his chopsticks in his hand.

"Why do I feel bad right now?" Ming frowned.

"Er...P', what is it like to be moon?" Earth asked trying to change the topic.

"Oh, well. It comes with lots of responsibility. But it can be scary at times when you get so much attention from girls... and boys."

"Boys..." Ploy chuckled shaking his head.

"Yes." Ming faced Ploy. "Your friend is cute. I won't be surprised if there are guys secretly doting on him already."

"Oh P'..." Earth recoiled feeling a bit embarrassed.

Ming laughed. "Am I wrong?"

"You're right P'..." Ploy quickly replied.

"So who is representing engineering college?"

"Err...A'Tan..." Ploy said.

"Ohh.. Tanaporn, the footballer..." Ming sighed.
"Okay. He will do. He is quite manly, right." He chuckled stealing glances at Earth.

Suddenly they heard someone  yelling and running towards their table like a mad man.

"Wait... Wait... You guys are eating without me..."

The three young men looked up at the direction and saw a young man running towards their table. Ex crashed into the seat beside Earth.

"A'Ex, can you keep it down. Are you high on something?" Ploy yelled.

"A'Ploy I told you to wait for me. You're supposed to pay for my meal today." He looked at the third person sitting at the table. He  instantly bowed and apologized for been too loud when he recognized the senior.

"Hello, handsome P'Ming." He greeted.

"Hello." Ming looked at Ex for a moment and thought the two guys were boyfriends. He stood up from the seat. "I will see you guys later." He tapped Earth on his back and walked away.

Earth turned his gaze at his roommate. "Why were screaming like you just got out of a mental hospital? Are you crazy? Scaring off my friend like that."

Ex sat with his mouth open.
"I didn't see him. I'm serious. How was I supposed to know moon Ming is hitting on you."

Earth poked him hard on the head. "Nobody is hitting on me you perveted ass."

Ex frowned his face. "He is."

"He is not. Shut up."

"You are so naive Earth."

"Yes, thank you."

"Hey, Ploy are you showing off with my roommate right now. He is my roommate. Go find yours."

"Ai, are you jealous or you're trying to make me jealous?"

Ex eyed his friend in a playful way and looked back at Earth. "A'Earth, you must have been a princess in your former life. How do you attract such handsome princes?"

"Too bad he has a shitty roommate." Ploy muttered. He moved away to avoid Ex from smacking his head.

"Ploy, you have eaten enough already." Ex grabbed Ploy's remaining plate of food and began to eat.

Thanks for reading.

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