Chapter 10: The People Have Been Told

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"Yes, Reneè. We have decided a ship name," I said, rolling my eyes as Reneè and I walked back to my new house. We were hanging out at the 7/11 that was near my house, and since she lived fairly close to me, she was gonna head back to her house on foot after walking me back. The ship name I was mentioning was my and Daveed's ship name. Reneè was also one of the few people from the "Hamilton" cast that I had decided to regularly hang out with, and was also one of the even fewer people I had told about my and Daveed's relationship. Since, ya know, the press and all that.

"What is it?" Reneè asked excitedly. I loved how bubbly and excitable this woman was.

"(Your And Daveed's ship name)," I answered with another eye roll.

"Wow, you guys must be serious; already coming up with ship names!" Reneè squealed.

"Stop," I said, blush slowly spreading across my face.

"Never!" Reneè said with a laugh that sounded innocent to most people, but to me, it sounded like a demonic laugh.

"I didn't think you would be this excited about my and Daveed's relationship," I said curiously.

"Well, when Daveed introduced you to the rest of the cast, I just immediately thought you two would be great together!" Reneè said. "And you are!"

I smiled. "We do make a pretty great couple," I said to no one in particular.

Reneè nodded, thinking I was still talking to her. "You really do!"

Images of Daveed filled my mind. I smiled to myself, picturing him and his features.

But my thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing from in my pants' pocket.

"Who's that?" Reneè asked.

I didn't know why she thought I would know, since I only heard the buzz and didn't see the screen from in my pocket, but whatever. "Dunno," I said, reaching inside my pocket and pulling out my phone.

I turned it on, and I saw that the one who texted me was none other than Daveed. The one I had just been thinking about.

I opened the text (even though I could've read it from my lockscreen; I just didn't wanna miss anything, I guess), and it said,

💜💖Dav💖💜: Hey, darling. I really hate to cut your visit with Reneè short, but can you please come home? There's something I've stumbled across that I think you should see.

I raised an eyebrow, causing Reneè to peer at the screen from beside me. I didn't stop her from reading it.

"I wonder what he found..," Reneè said. "Maybe Jalene went blabbing to the press and they published an article about you guys."

"Probably," I grumbled. I texted back,

Me: I'm already on my way home. See you in a few minutes.

I stuffed my phone back into my pocket, grabbing Reneè's hand and speeding up my walk. The curiosity was getting to me. What did Daveed have to show me? Reneè was probably right; it was probably an article that the press posted.

If that's what it was, I hoped that it wouldn't severely damage my and Daveed's relationship.


A few minutes passed, and Reneè and I arrived at my house.

Reneè knew exactly what to do in this situation; she didn't give a long goodbye that involved making plans for the next get-together. She simply went, "Well, see ya later, (Y/N)," and walked in the direction of her house.

I gave a wave at Reneè's back before letting myself into my house with my key.

Once I got inside, I saw Daveed sitting on the couch, clutching his phone, looking quite distressed. His hair was even more messed up than usual, which was surprising. He didn't seem to notice me walk in, so I said, "Dav? What's wrong?"

Daveed looked up at me, his eyes showing distraught. He sprung up and wrapped his arms around my waist lovingly. "Oh, (Y/N)...thank God you're here...something's happened..."

I knitted my eyebrows. I thought that Jalene was blabbing to the press before, but right then I could pretty much guarantee it. But I asked Daveed what had happened anyway. "Calm down. What happened?" I said, pushing his arms off me.

Daveed shakily held up his phone, and the screen displayed Jalene posting on Twitter that we were both whores and that we kissed when her back was turned. She also said how we did so multiple times, and how Daveed broke her heart by telling her that he was in love with me.

I sighed. "Daveed, it's gonna be fine."

"What if it's not?" Daveed said, his voice cracking. "Someone's gonna post an article about this, and my name will be ruined! Not to mention all the questions from the paparazzi..."

"Who cares?" I asked. "As long as we're together, what they think doesn't matter, right?"

Daveed was silent for a moment. Then a smile slowly made its way onto his lips. "Yeah...I guess you're right..."

"Oh, I'm right, all right. I'm always right," I said with a teasing smirk, poking Daveed in the ribs.

"Ow..," he whined. Another smile made its way onto his face afterwards. He placed his hands on my hips as he said softly, "I'm so lucky to have someone like you..."

I smiled, pretty much melting into his touch. I hugged him tightly. "And I, you, my love."

Daveed returned the hug with just as much love as I had put into my embrace.

Everything would be okay. As long as we had each other.

In the middle of our hug session, Daveed's phone dinged from inside his pants' pocket.

He reached into his pocket and took out his phone. He opened Twitter (which was where the notification had come from) and raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Someone sent me a link to something," Daveed answered. "And I don't know what it's to."

"Open it," I told him.

Daveed obeyed, clicking on the link. He scanned the screen, sighing a few seconds afterwards.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Someone already published an article," Daveed answered, handing me his phone. "People were just starting to like who I was, too. Now they're gonna see me as nothing but a man slut..."

I scanned the screen also. Someone did publish an article. The title was,

Daveed Diggs' and (Y/N) (L/N)'s Scandal

It read,

Famous actor Daveed Diggs and his best friend, (Y/N) (L/N), were involved in a scandal. Daveed's (we're assuming, since we don't know if Daveed and (Y/N) have gotten together or not) ex-girlfriend, Jalene Goodwin, reported that he confessed to kissing (Y/N) and that he was in love with her, rather than with Jalene. We haven't heard from (Y/N)'s (also assuming) ex-boyfriend, Luca Banks about the situation. But what we do know is that Jalene is, well, heartbroken about it. Well, who wouldn't be? Her boyfriend basically had an affair. We're waiting for more information on this scandal, and the moment we find it, we'll tell you all.

I sighed once I finished reading. "Jalene's a bitch..," I mumbled. "She knew what this would do to your name..."

"What happened to staying optimistic?" Daveed asked.

I sighed once more. "You're right. You're name is gonna be fine. People will still see you as the wonderful man that you are. And if they don't, that's their problem. They're blind if they can't see that. And besides, we have each other."

Daveed nodded as I handed him his phone. "Yeah. I know we'll get through this. I love you, (Y/N)."

Even though I already knew that, Daveed's words made my heart beat faster. "I love you too, Dav..."

I then collapsed into his arms as we kissed passionately.

Heart Stealer (Daveed Diggs x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang