Chapter 20: Saved By The Rafa

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   Frazzled, I set Sadie down in her crib for the third time that night. Her hysterical crying had weakened into tiny sobs, but I couldn't do anything to calm her all the way down.

   Daveed and I hadn't gotten a descent night's sleep in about two weeks. Remember how I said Sadie didn't cry much? Well, that wasn't true when it was past 10:30 at night. That seemed to be all she did.

   Daveed was standing beside me, bags underneath his normally sparkly eyes. He kept trying to whisper soothing words to his child, but Sadie was either deaf or she just didn't feel like listening. Probably the latter.

   Daveed sighed, giving up. "Now I remember why we were afraid to have a baby," he mumbled to himself.

   Normally, I would kill him for saying something like that. I would normally say that having Sadie was the best thing that had ever happened to us. But on that particular night, I agreed with him. "Me too," I said, sighing.

   Sadie finally stopped crying althogether, her teary eyes closing.

   I sighed with relief, turning around to go back to our room, when Daveed grabbed my wrist.

   I turned around, and he said, "There's really no point in going back to our room. You know she's just gonna keep crying."

   I looked at the (for now) sleeping Sadie, and nodded. "Yeah, you're right. But we need sleep. We haven't slept long now..?"

   "We might as well sleep in here," Daveed said. "It'll be slightly more convenient for us."

   I nodded. "I'll get some pillows."

   "Wait," Daveed said, making me turn around. "In case we don't make it out of this alive, I love you."

   I rolled my eyes, a dry laugh escaping me. "I love you too." I then went to our room and grabbed a bunch of pillows.

   My phone then rang from the nightstand. I sighed quietly, not in the mood to deal with telemarketers.

   Not even checking the number or contact name, I answered it. "What?!" I snapped at the poor person/robot on the other line.

   "Hey, (Y/N)," I heard Rafa say.

   I immediately felt bad for snapping at my dear friend. "Oh! I-I'm sorry, Rafa! I thought you were a telemarketer or something, and Sadie just won't stop crying..."

   Not bothering to ask why I thought he was a telemarketer (what a good friend), Rafa said, "No, no! It's fine! Don't worry about it!"

   "So, why are you calling me at--" I paused to check the time on the alarm clock that was sitting on the nightstand, "--3:00 in the morning?"

   "I was script writing. And, as you can see, I lost track of time," Rafa said with a small chuckle. "And I realized that I need Diggs to look over a certain part."

   "At 3:00 in the morning?" I said with a sigh.

   "I thought--I dunno! I thought maybe he would be up! And it's not like I'm asking if I can come over right now! I just wanted to make plans!"

   "Again, aT 3:00 iN tHe MoRnInG?!" I screeched quietly.

   "Shut the hell up," Rafa scoffed. "I don't know why I called so early, okay? Can you just ask Daveed when he's available?"

   "Why didn't you just call him if you needed to make plans?" I asked, overwhelmed by Rafa's stupidity.

   "I don't know, okay?!" Rafa sighed. "Just ask him!"

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