Chapter 12: Uh-Oh

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I walked to my car (which Daveed and I had picked up from the car-repair place a few days prior), anxious to find out if I was pregnant or not. I was hoping the latter.

I got in, my heart hammering inside of my chest. I was straight-up praying that I wasn't pregnant. I was blind to the pros of having a kid. All I saw was the cons and how I wasn't ready for one.

I began to drive to the pharmacy a few minutes away from my house. It had pregnancy tests, along with a lot of other things. Chips, cough drops, you name it. This pharmacy had it.

I swallowed my nerves (and a little bit of vomit, since I still felt sick) as I continued to drive. Where's an emotional support dog when you need one?

Mine was at my psycho ex-boyfriend's house, probably living the life of luxury. I wondered if Jalene was there too.

She probably was. She was most likely pregnant with Luca's baby.

For some reason, that thought tore me up inside, even though I thought I had moved on from Luca.

Maybe I still had feelings for him.

One thing was for sure, though: I loved Daveed way more than Luca. It had always been that way. I just hadn't realized it.

By that time, I was pulling into one of the pharmacy's ridiculously tight parking spots. Seriously, do they want to cause people misery?

Probably. It can be fun from time to time.

I somehow managed to fit into the parking spot. Yay! Victory!

I got out of my car and walked into the pharmacy. The doors sensed my presence, so they opened. When I was little, I used to think that I had a special power that could open doors. Ha, you naive child. No. They're just automatic. Get a grip.

I scanned the aisles for my pregnancy test, finding it a few seconds after. It was sitting on a shelf next to the birth control. That was a very fitting placement. Maybe I should've gotten the item next to the pregnancy test before messing around with Daveed.

I grabbed the pregnancy test and made my way to the cash register, grabbing some Resse's Peanut Butter Cups once I got there, since they had a lime of candy along the register. And hey, sometimes chocolate makes a girl feel like she's not alone in this world.

I placed my items on the counter and nervously looked at the man who was checking me out. He seemed to be in his late teens, maybe eighteen or nineteen, and he had a tattoo on his left arm.

I always wondered if cashiers judged someone for buying a pregnancy test, or if they wanted to congratulate the woman for possibly having a baby.

But by the way he raised a bushy eyebrow at me when he saw the pregnancy test I had placed down on the counter, I was guessing the former.

There was an awkward silence as the cashier dude scanned my items and put them in a small paper bag.

Then, as the dude handed me the bag, he said, "You look a little young to be pregnant."

My face flushed. "Ah, I'm not sure if I am or not..."

"I would hope the latter," the cashier responded. "A baby ruins your life when you're that young."

I decided to state the obvious. "Sir, I'm thirty-three! And also, how would you know? A baby could be a blessing!"

"I have a child of my own," the guy responded. "And she sure as hell ruined my life."

I gulped, nervousness fluttering around in my stomach like an agitated bumblebee. If I had a baby...would it ruin my life like the pharmacy worker?

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