Chapter 25: Engaged?

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I resisted the urge to pinch myself. I was dreaming. I had to have been dreaming! The Daveed I knew wouldn't propose to me in front of hundreds of thousands of people! If he did propose to me, I expected him to do it in private. Daveed really liked to keep his home life away from people. I expected him to go for something cliche, like hiding a ring in the food he brought me.

But I definitely was not expecting what was happening before my very eyes! This thing was far from cliche! It was more on the insane side, I think.

I was speechless. The room was dead quiet; the audience was anxiously awaiting my response. I looked into Daveed's eyes, still trying to form the words I wanted to say.

Boy, his eyes. They looked so pretty in the lights of the stage. And the hope in them added an extra glint, which nearly made me melt.

Tears still trickling down my face, I smiled, grabbed an extra microphone that was chilling on its stand, and said into it, "I think the answer is obvious."

The audience began to whisper to each other. They probably knew what I was gonna say. Daveed looked as if he knew as well, because a big smile crossed his face.

"I would be honored to marry you, Daveed," I said, trying to keep my tears in as I turned to him. It didn't work; my eyes were still two waterfalls.

The audience gasped and began to cheer. I was pleased to hear that there wasn't one obscenity thrown our way.

The expression on Daveed's face would be one that I would never forget. I have never seen such happiness on anyone's face, such hope for the future. Daveed's smile was about a mile long, and he was crying too.

I dropped the microphone to the ground, ignoring the loud noise it made. I was going to be Mrs. Diggs.

And I couldn't have been more ecstatic.

Daveed stood up right as I ran over to him and hugged him tightly. Not tight enough to squeeze the life out of the poor man, but tight enough to show him how much I cared for him and how I would always protect him.

Daveed hugged me back immediately, and I could feel happy sobs shaking his body.

I buried my head in his chest, the clapping of the audience a mere mumble. The sound of my happiness drowned out any sound of the outside world.

Then, in a whisper, Daveed said to me, "I love you more than anything, darling...and it will stay that way until I die."

"Me too," I whispered back, squeezing Daveed lovingly. "You will always be the light of my life..." (Sorry, Sadie. You're pretty all right, too, though.)

Daveed let me go and smiled down at me. He grabbed the ring from the pouch and slipped the ring he had bought me onto my ring finger.

   It was beautiful. It was golden, had (f/c) diamonds on it, and fit my finger perfectly.

   Then, Daveed said into the microphone that was attached to his head, "You all are looking at my fiancé, (Y/N)!"

   The audience began to clap loudly. A lot of people cheered as well.

   Daveed grabbed my hand and said over the applause, looking absolutely ecstatic, "Thank you all for coming! I hope you all have a wonderful day, and don't forget to..."

   He trailed off, so me, along with the audience, thought he was gonna make a reference to a Clipping song or something. I know the audience was thinking this because some people shouted out things like,


   "Air 'em out!"

   "Throw your guns up!"

   But Daveed had something different in mind. With a mischievous smirk, he said, "...follow me on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. @daveeddiggs on all three. Bye, ya'll!"

   I rolled my eyes. Ah, Daveed and his shameless self-promotions.

   Then, the audience applauding, Daveed dragged me off stage by my hand that he hadn't let go of.

   It wasn't until we were backstage that I realized how fast my heart had been pounding. I placed my hand on my chest and looked up at Daveed, who was smiling down at me. "I did not expect you to do that," I stated. I gave him a playful shove. "I told you not to call me onstage!"

   Daveed chuckled. "Well, I wanted everyone to know how much I love you. I think I made the right call."

   I sighed. "I'll admit, it was a really romantic idea, and I low-key loved being up there, with you, and showing the world how much we love each other."

   I looked down at my ring; it sparkled in the gentle light of the backstage area. I sighed once more, looking back up at Daveed. "This really is a beautiful ring...I can't believe we're engaged."

   "I can't either," Daveed said with a smile. "But I'm super psyched to be spending the rest of my life with you."

   I smiled, about to lean in for a kiss, when...

   Bill and Jonathan both fake gagged at the same time.

   It startled both Daveed and me. We jumped, turning to look at the two men. Up until that moment, we forgot they even existed. "Wow, way to ruin our moment, guys!" I said with a pout.

   "Hey, we couldn't take seeing you two act all lovey-dovey like that! It's gross! Stop it!" Bill said with a roll of his eyes.

   "Make us!" Daveed challenged. "We'll just have the guards remove you from here so that we can have a room free of idiots that don't respect people who wanna act romantic because they're engaged."

   "You think they'd listen to you? When you tell them the reason you want us to leave, they'll probably roll their eyes and walk away," Jonathan said with a smirk.

   Daveed was silent for a few seconds. He finally sighed and stared at the ground. "Damn it..."

   "Well," I said with a smirk, "me and Daveed could just start kissing, and you'd either have to stay, leave, or pry us off each other. But we're both pretty strong, so that only leaves two options, and we all know which one you guys would pick."

   Both Bill and Jonathan's mouths fell open in disbelief. I bested then with my amazing comebacks.

   "We're probably gonna do that now, so I suggest that you guys leave," I said with a gesture to the door.

   The men sighed and left.

   I looked up at Daveed and kissed him lovingly.

   Daveed kisses back, wrapping his arms around my waist.

   After about five seconds of this, I pulled apart, staring into Daveed's eyes. "I love you. I love you so much, and I can't wait to be married to you."

   "I can't wait to be married to you, either," Daveed said softly, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. "You're gonna be the best wife ever."

   And with that, we kissed again, excited for what the future would bring us.


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