Chapter 13: The Confession

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   Remember that agitated bumblebee I mentioned that was buzzing around in my stomach?

   Well, that bumblebee had multiplied. Now, it was a swarm of angry bees. All rubbing up against each other, getting more and more irritated by each other's presence. And with each movement they made, my stomach got more and more jumbly.

   Nice metaphors, (Y/N).

   Anyways, I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, my thoughts circiling my head like a hawk preparing to dive and snatch up its prey.

   Daveed won't be too keen on this.

   He'll probably leave me.

   And if he doesn't, he'll be so miserable. And that's the only thing worse than him leaving me.

   I swallowed the throw up that was rising up my throat as I grabbed the pregnancy test, prepared to show it to Daveed. I didn't have time to throw up. I just needed to get what needed to be done, well, done.

   I opened the bathroom door, the swarm of bumblebees continuing to buzz around. I hid the test behind my back, planning to segway into the conversation I had to have. I honestly don't know why I brought the test; I could've just told Daveed verbally. Maybe I thought that he would want proof that I was, in fact, carrying an infant in my stomach.

   I walked into the living room, the test still behind my back. I stopped my walk in front of Daveed, therefore blocking his view of the TV screen.

   Daveed didn't usher me out of there like Luca would have done; he knew something was wrong as soon as he saw me park it in front of him. He raised an eyebrow and turned off the TV. It somehow still worked even though I was in front of it. "What's wrong?" he asked.

   I exhaled nervously. "You know how I was...'sick'...this morning..?" I asked in a shaky voice, making finger quotes when I said the word "sick".

   Daveed nodded. "Yeah. I'm happy you're feeling better." He could be so stupid sometimes. "Why'd you finger-quote it, though..?"

   Ugh. Why wasn't he getting it?

   "Well...turns out it wasn't a sickness..," I said slowly, clutching the test behind my back so tightly that it hurt.

   "Then what was it?" Daveed asked stupidly.

   How was he not getting it?! How many hints did I have to give him?!

   I was getting pretty tired of segwaying into a serious conversation with a rock as my listener, so I decided to say what I was flat-out.

   "Damn it, Daveed! Don't you get it? I'm pregnant! With your baby!" I said loudly. As soon as I did, though, I felt my body start to shake nervously at how he'd react.

   Daveed was staring at me with wide eyes. He seemed to be slowly processing what I was saying. "I'm're...what..?" he said softly after what felt like an eternity.

   "I'm pregnant..," I repeated, only softer and less harsh. I showed Daveed the pregnancy test, my hands trembling. "And the baby's yours, Dav..."

   Daveed was silent as he stared at the pregnancy test I was holding. The unnerving quiet made my ears ring.

   I decided to prod. You know, just to make sure my boyfriend wasn't dead. "Daveed..?" I asked, my voice practically a whisper.

   Daveed was silent for a few more seconds, then he whispered,


   I gulped. I knew he didn't want this baby.

   Daveed's eyes followed me as I threw the test away. When I came back, tears were in Daveed's eyes.

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