Chapter 19: Discharged (More Daveed x (Y/N) Fluff)

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   "Ugh! When are they gonna let me out of here?" I whined, trying to soothe a crying Sadie by patting her back. "They said I'd be out by 10AM! It's 1PM!"

   I was referring to when I was supposed to be discharged from the hospital. I was very salty. They were supposed to release me three hours prior to that moment.

   "(Y/N), it's not the end of the world," Daveed said with a roll of his eyes. "They may be a little late, but they probably have more pressing matters to be taken care of."

   "Spoken like a man that doesn't know what giving birth and what sitting in a hospital bed for days with your newborn feels like," I grumbled, glaring at him.

   "...Fair point," Daveed admitted. "But still. It wouldn't kill you to sit in this bed for a few extra hours."

   "At this rate, I'll be sitting her for an extra day," I sighed. "Or two."

   "Will you shut up if I put 'Supernatural' on?" Daveed asked, grabbing the remote.

   I nodded. "Yeah."

   Daveed sighed and put "Supernatural" on, and I smiled, holding Sadie close to my chest. She seemed to be calming down. "Thanks, Dav~!" I said. "You're the best~!"

   "Uh-huh," Daveed said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go vomit."

   "Oh, stop," I said. "This show isn't that bad!"

   "If 'not that bad' means 'eye-bleeding', than you're right," Daveed said with a grumble.

   "Die in a hole," I said, squinting at my o f f e n d i n g boyfriend.

   "I'd rather do that than watch this show," Daveed said. "Why did I offer to do this again?"

   "Because you wuv me~" I said with a smirk.

   Daveed smiled. "Well...I can't really argue with that..."

   A question popped into my mind, and that question was:

   Does Daveed still love Jalene?

   I wasn't sure. I had definitely completely moved on from Luca. Hell, I even had a child with Daveed.

   But...I wasn't sure about Daveed.

   I was about to ask him, but something stopped me.

   What stopped me was the possibility of him saying he did. I didn't know why, but that scared me a little. I wanted to be the only one he loved, and I figured he had had enough time to move on from her.

   I decided not to ask him and to just assume he had moved on from her.

   I realized I was staring blankly at the wall while I had been lost in my thoughts, so I moved my gaze back to the TV (where it should've been in the first place. I mean, come on, have you seen Dean and Sam?).

   That's when a doctor came into my room with a wheelchair. "You ready to go, (Y/N)?" he asked, smiling.

   "Yep!" I said as I stood up with Sadie in my arms. I had already gotten ready, so I could leave immediately.

   I sat in the wheelchair (even though I didn't really need it), and the doctor began to wheel me out to the parking lot. I honestly don't know why they provided me with a wheelchair, but hey. I got a freeride. I'm not complaining.

   Daveed followed behind the doctor and I, and I periodically glanced up at him, admiring his beauty.

   If Sadie looks like him when she's older, she's not gonna have any trouble finding love, I thought, glancing up at Daveed once again.

Heart Stealer (Daveed Diggs x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum