Chapter 23: An Unexpected Lie That Changed Everything

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Luca turned beet red as soon as I uttered those three words.

Regret swelled in my chest. I could've hidden Sadie's existence for a little longer...I mean, sure, Luca had to find out at some point, which is why I told him, but still...

My eyes met Daveed's for a split second, and he was looking at me with fear and frustration in his brown eyes.

That sight killed me. I looked away, staring at the ground below me.

Daveed really needed to clean was filthy.

"You have a daughter..?" Luca asked in a soft but oddly menacing tone.

I gulped, looking up at Luca. I thought about saying I considered a plastic doll that cried every so often my daughter, but I knew Luca wouldn't believe that. After all, he knew how much I thought that those dolls were the scariest thing on the planet.

So, my voice quivering, I squeaked, "Yes."

Rafa cleared his throat as Luca opened his mouth to say something. I expected Rafa to attempt to protect Daveed and I or to say that I meant something else, but nope. He said, "I should get going. See you two around." He waved at me and Daveed, then left the house.

Left us with a psycho.

Then again, I don't really blame Rafa. If I was him, I probably would've left too.

Luca looked at Daveed with hatred in his eyes, gritting his teeth. "Is he the father?"

I bit my lip softly, giving my brain one final chance to come up with a lie. Any lie. It didn't even have to be a great one.

Anything would do!

But, to my surprise, I didn't have to.

Daveed, the terrible liar, came up with one for me. And didn't suck at saying it.

"Actually, this baby has no father," he said calmly.

I glanced at Daveed, really confused.

He returned the glance, a sure expression on his face.

That's when I knew that he had it covered.

"What the hell do you mean?" Luca hissed.

"(Y/N) adopted this baby from an orphanage. She named her Sadie," Daveed said. "I honestly don't know why she would want a kid, or why she would bring one into my house like it's nothing, but," he shrugged, "I actually happen to like kids. So I'm fine with it. Since Sadie won't have a father and just a mother, I'm gonna serve as its very involved uncle, if you will. Once (Y/N) brought Sadie home, I wanted fo help with the raising of her."

Luca's expression went from enraged to suspicious. Progress! He looked over at me, an eyebrow raised. "Is that true?" His tone was getting less sharp with every word he spoke.

I nodded. "I always wanted kids, and I figured helping one and claiming it as my own would be a pretty great experience for me and the kid."

Then, to my surprise, Luca actually smiled. "Aww! That's awesome! Can I see her?"

I bit back an exhale with relief. Our was believed!

"Sure! Why not?" I smiled, shrugging. The thought of Luca gushing over my baby made me a bit uncomfortable, but it's not like I could refuse. That would just raise unneeded suspicion.

Daveed and I let Luca to the nursery, opening on the door and walking to Sadie's crib. "We bought the crib and such the day (Y/N) got Sadie," Daveed lied. We had actually bought that stuff way before Sadie was born. "And that pillow," he said, pointing to the pillow Sadie was cuddling with and crying softly into, "that's her favorite."

That much was true. Sadie loved that pillow. It was almost as if she had a baby crush and was pretending the pillow was that person. Awww. That's a cute thought.

I nodded, staring down at my offspring. "Mhm. Ever since I brought her here, she's loved it." Also true.

Luca smiled down at Sadie, and as soon as he did, Sadie started crying harder.

I tried not to chuckle. Come on, that was pretty funny.

Luca looked hurt.

I didn't care. I scooped Sadie up and cooed, "Oh, hush, darling! Don't cry!"

Daveed looked at Luca. He looked hesitant to say what he was about to say, but he said it anyway. "Wanna hold her?"

I tried not to tense up. The thought of Luca just looking at my baby made me feel uncomfortable. Him holding her made me feel like dying.

Luca nodded, smiling. "Yeah!"

I handed Sadie over to Luca, trying not to act like I was dead inside.

Luca held Sadie in his arms, looking at her tear-stained cheeks. Shs had stopped crying, but it looked like she was wondering why a stranger was holding her.

"She's adorable!" Luca gushed, rocking her. "How'd you manage to find a baby as cute as her?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. I just got lucky, I guess."

Luca nodded.

He held her for a bit longer, then he gave Sadie back to me and said, "Thanks for letting me hold Sadie. She's a cute one."

I smiled fakely. "Anytime."

"Well, I should probably be going," Luca said after a few seconds of silence.

I inwardly celebrated. Thank God he was leaving. "Okay! I'll see you around!" Even though I said that, I hoped that I wouldn't.

"See you!" Luca said with a wave at me and a nod at Daveed.

Daveed returned the nod.

Then Luca left. I knew because I heard the front door open and shut after a few seconds if him being out of the room.

As soon as I heard the door shut, I put Sadie down and hugged Daveed tighter than I ever had before.

Daveed hugged me back, and I felt so safe in his arms. Like nothing would ever happen to me or Sadie.

I pulled apart slightly. I say "slightly" because my arms were still around Daveed's waist, but I was in a position where I was able to look up at him, if you catch ny drift. I looked up at him, smiled, and whispered, "Thank you."

Daveed smiled down at me and cupped my face in his hand. "Anytime."

"You're not as awful at lying as I thought," I giggled, leaning into my boyfriend's hand.

"Well, given the circumstances, I may surprise you."

I smiled softly and kissed Daveed lovingly. It was the first kiss we had shared in a while. I wanted to end that streak.

Daveed kissed back with just as much love, pulling me close to him.

We both pulled apart at the same time. I sighed happily and said, "I love you."

Daveed tucked a stray piece of my hair behind my ear. "I love you too, (Y/N)," he said softly. "More than you will ever know."

And with a smile, Daveed and I went to our room, cuddled, and watched TV.

He didn't know how much I loved him. It would be impossible to verbalize.

And I knew that he felt the exact same way for me.

Well, you're right, he had just said it, but even if he hadn't, I would've been able to infer it.

He was just the perfect guy for me.

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