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Katzumi pov.

"I can smell sunlight

I can feel the HighlineBless me"


"I guess this is goodbye, dear sister," Azula explained. It was a week after Zuko spoke out of line during a war meeting, And a few days after, Zuko got badly scared after dueling with my father in an Agni Key. Zuko has never been the same.

Azula wouldn't miss Zuko and me.

" Please, Azula, you don't care about Zuko or me," I whispered yell.

" oh come on Katzumi, I care about you dearly," she grinned at me. She was so good at lying I wasn't even sure if she was being sarcastic or not. Sure, I had a manipulative side, But I never used it.

" Bye, Azula" I sharply turned my back to her and walked up the ramp to go pack my room on the ship.

"Hello uncle," I greeted, hugging Iroh. It's been a few years since we've seen him.

" Hello Katzumi, it's good to see my favorite niece again. How are things?" he asked.

"well, from the looks of it.. not so good," I glance behind me, seeing Zuko rushing the crew members.

" I see.... well, let's not dwell on that now; let me go brew some tea, and I can talk about my world travels," he said, patting my shoulder.

I responded to him with a smile and nod.

He smiled back and when into his room. I went out on the main deck; we were almost ready for departure. I saw Zuko looking out on the sea. I could sense his anger.

"Zuko, What's wrong with you. You haven't talked to me since....?" I softy ask. I try to be comforting. But the Zuko a week ago was way different than the Zuko I see now

" you don't need to remind me," He hissed, " bottling up your feelings isn't good" I try to give him some advice" how about you take your own advice" He turned around and walked away sharply pushing me back. I winced a bit.

My brother has genuinely changed.

Hey, guys, I made an ALTA book I kind of just fell in the wormhole of the fanfic. The chapters will be longer, but its just kind of like prologue soya. but I will be updating my goal is to finish book 1,2and3

but anyway please let me know what yall think and what do you think will happen next

till next time bye lovelies

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