The selfless Katzumi

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"Lately I've been questioning
Am I all that I pretend to be?
I doubt it"


"Hey look! A sword made out of a whale's tooth." Aang tells the group as he picks up the sword

"Lemme see that."

Sokka walks forward, examining the blade.

"This is a water tribe weapon. See if you can find anything else." Sokka ordered

"Did someone lose something?" Katzumi asks

"No, we found something." Aang statated.

Sokka brushed away some leaves from a broken arrow on the ground. He picks it up and inspects it.

"It's burned."He throws it away and walks over to a tree with burn marks.

"There was a battle. Water tribe warriors ambushed a group of firebenders. " Sokka statated

He looks down at the ground and begins to walk downhill as he interprets the signs left in the earth.

"The firebenders fought back, but the warriors drove them down this hill..." He runs down the hill, the others in tow.

": So then what happened?" Katara asks

"I don't know. The trail ends here."Sokka says

"Wait! Look!" Katara points out. To some water tribe boats.

"It's one of our boats!" They all run to it staring up at the boat.

" Is this... Dad's boat?" Katara says

"No, but it's from his fleet. Dad was here."

The kids and Appa around a campfire in front of the water tribe boat they found on the beach. Katara, Katumi, and Aang are asleep, Sokka is not. He tends the fire in silence, lost in thought.


It is again daytime on the South Pole. The younger Sokka, his face painted for war, struggles to carry a sleeping bag and gear toward the boats. Hagoda, Katara and Sokka's father, helping to load a boat. He sees his son and walks to him.

"Sokka..." Hakoda begins

" I'm coming with you." Sokka insists

"You're not old enough to go to war, Sokka, you know that."

"I'm strong! I'm brave! I can fight! Please, Dad!" Sokka pleads

"Being a man is knowing where you're needed the most, and for you right now that's here protecting your sister." Hakoda tells him

"I don't understand." Sokka says

"Someday you will. I'm going to miss you so much."  Sokka cries, his father's hand on his head.

End of Flashback

Sokka stares at the fire for another moment before hearing a sound and standing up.

" Who's there?" Sokka yells

a bandaged water tribe man approaching the camp.

"Sokka?" Bato asks

"Bato? " Sokka asks

"Who the what now?" Aang and Katzumi wake up

"Bato!" Katara yells

"Sokka! Katara! It is so good to see you two! Oh, you've grown so much." Bato hugs them both

"Hi, I'm Aang. this it Katzumi" Aang states both kids bow

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