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Inspired by lostatseanomore, Ocean Wide

"Later on in my destiny I see myself having your child
I see myself being your wife and I see my whole future in your eyes
Thought of all my love for you sometimes make me want to cry
Realize all my blessings; I'm grateful to have you by my side"-Beyoncé Knowles-Carter


Katzumi and Aang stood side by side. The crowd watch in awe as the two were to finally seal the knot. Everyone they knew was there. The gang, Ursa, Iroh, Even King Bumi was there.

The two had travel a bit after the group disbanded. It was fun but the two wanted to settle down, and start something new for their lives.

So they stayed at the Southern air temple. The two decided to take things a bit slow, now that the war was over they could focus on other things. No more worrying. 
But Aang was extra nervous about asking Katzumi to marry him; Her birthday is a 6 month difference  than his so while he was still 15 she had turned 16 (an appropriate age for betrothal.)

Men all around the world had asked her hand in marriage, Rich and poor, young and old. Didn't matter that she already had a boyfriend, didn't matter is they barely knew her or what their intentions where Aang was nervous during those 6 months.

Of course Aang didn't need to worry. Katzumi would always turn them down even though the fire sages back home would always send letters about her relationship status but she never wrote them back about it. Most of the time it just annoyed about how everyone cared that her Aang weren't married yet.

So when Aang turned 16 he immediately went to work with his betrothal necklace for Katzumi. Every night when Katzumi was sleeping he'd wake up and start making it quietly. He spent months on it, making sure every jewel was in is place and the carvings where right. Just for her.

Of course Katzumi said yes. 

Aang wore traditional airbender clothes, of course appropriate for a groom kind of clothes. He smiled as Katzumi lifted the yellow mesh veil. She also wore traditionally air nomad dress, that flowed to the floor.

The couple decided that an air nomad kind of wedding was more suitable. Especially since the couple already lived at the southern air temple

Katzumi took a piece of fabric, it was red with writing on it. behind the two was a large tree with large and low branches.

Katzumi gave a knowing smile of assurance before turning to a low branch and with each vow spoken she'd tied the fabric around the tree branch

"With my hands I will serve you with the utmost respect, With my arms I will comfort you in your times of need, and with my heart I will love you to the fullest and for as long as we stand." Katzumi pulled the fabric together connecting to the tree.

Aang smiled and took his own fabric that also had writing on in but his was blue. Aang did the same branch as her wrapped it around

"With my hands I will Protect you in every way possible. With my arms I will keep you company, and with my heart I will love you to the fullest and for as long as we stand" Aang finished tying the knot on the fabric

The marriage officiator that stood between them help a wooden bowl with red powder. He took the powder and placed a dot on Katzumi's forehead and on Aang's forehead.

"May the Avatar and Princess live a long and fulfilling life!" The man yelled as the crowd erupted in cheers and claps

Aang and Kaztzumi looked deep into each other's eyes before leaning in for a kiss

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