My people Pt2

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"I'll be your savior, call me.  Catch you if i can, call me"


Aang and Katzumi runs off, leaving Sokka and Katara a moment to speak alone.

"Katara, firebenders were here. You can't pretend they weren't." Sokka warned

"I can for Aang's sake." Katara says

"If he finds out that the Fire Nation invaded his home, he'll be devastated.And what will he think about Katzumi"

"Hey guys!" Aang calls the siblings over to him and Katzumi.

"I want you to meet somebody." Aang is motioning toward a statue of an airbender monk.

"Who's that?"Katzumi asked

"Monk Gyatso, the greatest airbender in the world. He taught me everything I know." Aang explains

Aang bows to the statue.


'But the true secret..." Gyatso explains

Gyatso is holding a long spatula with a cake at the end of it. He  pulled out the cake from the mouth of the large oven in the background. He airbends the colorful filling into an attractive pile in the middle of it.

"... is in the gooey center!" Gyatso finishes

Aang in the foreground, sitting on the wall of the parapet. He's not paying attention.

"My ancient cake making technique isn't the only thing on your mind, is it, Aang?" Gyatso says

"This whole Avatar thing... maybe the monks made a mistake."Aang admits

"The only mistake they made was telling you before you turned sixteen. But we can't concern ourselves with what was. We must act on what is."Gyatso explains

Gyatso gestures ceremoniously to the world around them. The air around the temple full of flying bison and other inhabitants. The beautiful, dreamlike surroundings are full of life.

"But Gyatso, how do I know if I'm ready for this?" Aang asked

"Your questions will be answered when you are old enough to enter the Air Temple sanctuary. Inside you will meet someone who will guide you on your journey." Gyatso assures him

"Who is it?" he asked exitingly

"When you are ready he will reveal himself to you."

Aang sighs heavily in frustration.

"Now, are you going to help me with these cakes, or not?' Gyatso smiles

"All right."

Aang and Gyatso assume airbending stances, with the four cakes sitting on the wall. They both cock back, creating balls of wind with their airbending skill as Gyatso counts.

"One... two... three!"Gyatso says

Both release their airballs on the count of three, propelling the cakes high into the air.

Four meditating monks, who are soon each wearing one of the four cakes. Sound effects mark each splattering as the cakes land, and the monks are soon surrounded by winged lemurs who begin feasting on the cakes.

"Hahaha"both Gyasto and Aang laugh

Aang and Gyatso bow to each other respectfully. Gyatso pats his young student's head affectionately.

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