A Thanks From Me

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Omg The Mother Of Fire is actually done!

It feels so weird finally now that its over. It still feels like yesterday i was still writing book one never ever ever thinking it was going to officially end.

But now it has. 
I had so much fun writing this book and adding Katzumi in as if she was really part of the group. I'm so thankful you guys like this book and the major support really warmed my heart.
I kinda wish it would never end and had more seasons :)

I know there are comics and I might do that continuation but its gonna take a while. 
all I know is I will make a Zukoxoc book, It will be in the same universe. So Katzumi will be making a few appearances in this book with Aang but this is Zukos story now.

Thank you all who have supported me and voted the book. I never though we'd get this far with 33k views!!
that is crazy. You guys are awesome

Ask me any other questions and I will respond. Really ask me anything about Aang and Katzumi or even the new Zukoxoc book coming up.

Thank you everyone and i hope you have an amazing day.


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