A Master

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"First, I'm tryna get the woman to understand the dynamic power and the spiritual energy
Do you realize how magnificent you are? 
The god that created you is a divine architect 
That created the moon, the sun, the stars, Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, Venus
We are not only sexual beings
We are the walking embodiment of god consciousness"-Solange


"I'm not one to complain, but can't Appa fly any higher?" Sokka groans

Appa flies across an ice field in the open ocean. He is clearly tired. He glides lower, his feet brushes the water

"I have an idea, why don't we all get on your back and you can fly us to the North Pole?"

"I'd love to! Climb on everyone , Sokka's ready for takeoff!" Sokka leans over and points to his back

"Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight." Katzumi states

" And for what? We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe. There's nothing up here."

Suddenly a noise is heard up ahead. Ice is moving rapidly towards Appa. Aang screams and pulls Appa's reigns to starboard. Appa banks right and avoids the ice, but almost tips his passengers off the saddle, who hang on for dear life. Appa then banks left as another jet of ice erupts out of the waves, but this one slams into Appa's underside, who drops in an uncontrolled spin into the water. Out of the icebergs several ornate wooden skiffs come to surround Appa. They are manned by people in water tribe garb.

" They're waterbenders! We found the Water Tribe!" Katara excitedly says

"There it is!" Aang gets up and points ahead. To ice wall with towers and turrets.

"The Northern Water Tribe..." Katara gasped

"We're finally here..."

the water tribe skiffs, where the waterbender crew waterbends in unison. The waterbenders removed a semi-circular opening to reveal a tunnel that leads into the city. The lock is square and that the waterbenders line the tops of the lock's four walls. The three sides of the lock not adjacent to the main wall have water behind them almost to the height of the city wall. The waterbenders open sluice gates along the three walls of the lock to raise the water level. The wall opposite the main city wall begins to lower itself, ultimately to free a path for Appa to continue.

"I can't believe how many waterbenders live up here!" Katara said grasping the city

"We'll find a master to teach us, no problem!" Aang says

the cit is made of ice and is breathtakingly beautiful. It also has three interior walls in addition to the main city walls. All the way in the back is apparently some sort of citadel or temple.In fact, as they go, small crowds of people begin to gawk at them from houses and foot bridges.

Aang waves at them as they pass. The city is loaded with beautiful streams, waterfalls and fountains. They pass another boat with a waterbender and a beautiful young Water Tribe woman with white, elaborately styled hair and a slightly purplish coat rather than the normal blue. Sokka focuses on her, blushes and tried to follow her by running down Appa's tail.

"This place is beautiful." Katzumi notes

"Yeh, she is." Sokka kept looking at the girl

Three Water Tribe men play huge kettle drums in unison. A huge fountain dominates the rear of the plaza. On either side huge pews made out of ice provide seating for many onlookers. The closest side of the plaza shows the backs of the city's rulers as well as the guests of honor, Aang and his friends. 

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