Their future

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"Stationary, birds wings
Small canary, princess
Young savage girl, lost among the lily pads
One road no choice, I've given you this
Move moons for you, I choose to do it"


"Look!" Katara yells pointing at the fish that just jumped out the water

Sokka gets up and assumes a gunslinger stance. The fish in mid-air, it drops back It appears to be some sort of green catfish.

"He is taunting us. You are so gonna be dinner!" Sokka yells He runs back to the tent and grabs his fishing pole which standing up outside of it, runs back to the lake edge and casts the pole a few times without effect." Hey! Where's the fishing line?" Sokka says looking around

"Oh, I didn't think you would need it, Sokka. " Aang says as he Holds up a necklace.

"Aahh, it's all tangled!" Sokka groans

"Not tangled – woven." As Aang Airbends himself to a standing position and turning to Katzumi 

" I made you a necklace, Katzumi." Looking from side to side in an embarrassed fashion "I thought It would be nice" Aang says And Katzumi smiles sweetly at him which caused him to blush.

Aang holds up the necklace and sheepish smile

"Thanks, Aang. I love it." Katzumi says As she hops off her rock and takes it from him

"Great, Aang. Maybe instead of saving the world you can go into the jewelry making business." Sokka groans again

"I don't see why I can't do both." Aang smiles

Sokka turns his back to see the fish leaping again from the lake. He throws his pole like a spear and it disappears into the water.

"Stop taunting me!" Sokka yells

" So, how do I look?" Katzumi asks

Aang turns to face her. Aang was completely baffled of how beautiful she was. He tried not to blush but he couldn't help it as she put all of the weight on her left leg.

"You mean all of you or just your neck? I mean, uh, both look great." Aang says as he rubs the back of his head

"Smoochie, smoochie, someone's in love." Sokka yells as the fish flips is his hands, knocking him back into the lake.


" Aang's just a good friend. A sweet little guy – just like Momo." Katara says as Katzumi nods of course the Avatar has no feeling towards her.

" Thanks." Aang says as he slouched over

Sokka approaches them, sopping wet, empty handed and with a dark look on his face. An ominous noise which prompts Momo to fly toward it. He points towards the source of the noise.

"Someone's being attacked by a platypus bear!" Aang yells as the group make our way over to him

They see a huge bear like creature with red eyes and the bill of a platypus. It bares its teeth and rears itself up on its hind legs. The bear is threatening a man in blue who smiles calmly at the advancing monster.The bear as it advances, swinging at the man, who dodges the blows by causally stepping backwards, hands behind his back. . The bears swings a few more time while Aang jumps up onto a rock behind the bear.

"Well, hello there. Nice day, isn't it?" The man says calmly

"Make noise, it'll run off!" Aang suggested

"No, play dead, he'll lose interest!" Sokka adds on

"Run down hill, then climb a tree!" Katzumi suggest

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