The Unagi

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"Mama said I'm sensitive
I gotta work on that
Not really"


"You have no idea where you're going, do you?" Sokka says

"Weeeell, I know it's near water..." Aang admits and I giggle

"I guess we're getting close then." Sokka sarcastically says

I took the map from Aang's hand, and Sokka and I mark out the the stops we'd have to make so we can get to the north pole faster.

"Momo, marbles please." I hear Aang say

"Hey Katzumi! Check out this airbending trick!"

I don't look up me and Sokka were arguing about what location we should stop at.But as I heard Aang I stop talking to sokka and focus on the map

"That's great, Aang."I said flatly I'm not trying to be rude i'll just ask him to do it again later

"You didn't even look." Aang says sadly. I sigh

I look up hoping that it was enough and he'd stop nagging me i'm in a bad mood already "That's great!"

"But I'm not doing it now." He said. But before I respond Sokka interrupts me

"Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their Thinking you don't what her to mess up" Sokka says.what was that supposed to mean.

"What does her being a girl have to do with maps and thinking ?" Katara asked folding her arms

"Simple girls are better at cooking and cleaning than guys, and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that girls at the best thinkers. It's just the natural order of things."Sokka says

"All done with your pants! And look what a great job I did!" Katara throws the pants she was sewing at him. And I giggle serves him right

"Wait! I was just kidding! I can't wear these! Katara, PLEASE!" Sokka pleads. And Katara and I smirk

"Don't worry, Sokka. Where we're going, you won't need any pants!"Aang assures him

Later on Aang lands Appa on the beach. Me and sokka take out the Map to see where we are

"We just made a pit stop yesterday. Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?" Sokka explains to Aang

"He's right. At this rate we won't get to the North Pole until spring." I add

"But Appa's tired already, aren't you boy? I said, aren't you boy?" Aang says trying to convince us

Aang nudges Appa. Appa yawns but it's obviously that he's not actually tired.

"Yeah, that was real convincing. Still, hard to argue with a ten ton magical monster." Sokka admits

"LOOK!" Aang yells and points his finger towards the ocean.A giant koi fish jumps out of the water. "That's why we're here... " Aang strips down to his underwear.

"... elephant koi. And I'm going to ride it. Katzumi, you've gotta watch me!" He told me I smile as Aang dives into the water. A second later he leaps out again "COLD!" He yells

Was Aang swimming out into the bay. Aang dives under the water and catches hold of an elephant koi. The giant fish leaps out of the water with Aang riding on its back, his hands grasping the dorsal fin. The koi dives back into the water, carrying Aang with it.

Katara and I were watching Aang. I was excited and interested To see what the koi fish looked like,

"Woo!" I yell

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