The Drill

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"It's just us against the world
When the smoke clears
All we got is all we got
It's always us, never them"


Aang lands before the group, Momo perching on his shoulder.

"Aang, what are you doing here? I thought you were looking for Appa?" Katzumi asked

"I was, but something stopped me. Something big."

Aang and Toph are jointly bending a rock platform up the face of the wall, lifting them all upwards.

"Now what's so big that Appa has to wait?" Sokka asks

"That." Aang points to a slowly approaching drill, making its way right towards the middle of the wall of Ba Sing Se.

"We made it to Ba Sing Se, and we're still not safe. No one is." Than and family huddle together.

"What are you people doing here? Civilians aren't allowed on the wall." A guard yells

"I'm the Avatar. Take me to whoever's in charge." Aang orders

An Earth kingdom general waits seated at a desk.

"It is an honor to welcome you to the outer wall young Avatar, but your help is not needed." General Sung proudly states

"Not needed?" Aang asks surprised at their ease

"Not needed. I have the situation under control. I assure you the Fire Nation cannot penetrate this wall. Many have tried to break through it, but none have succeeded."

The general rises as he speaks, leading the group back out towards an open area of the wall manned by soldiers standing near large stacks of boulders. We are shown an aerial view of the outer wall. Nothing lies beyond the outer face but barren wastes, while a patchwork of fertile fields grow behind it.

"What about the Dragon of the West? He got in." Katzumi simply states

"Well...uh...technically yes. But he was quickly expunged. Nevertheless, that is why the city is named Ba Sing Se. It's the impenetrable city. They don't call it Na Sing Se. That means penetrable city." General Sung smiles again

"Yeah, thanks for the tour, but we still got the drill problem." Toph says

"Not for long. To stop it, I've sent an elite platoon of earthbenders called the Terra Team."

"That's a good group name, very catchy." Sokka says scratching his chin

"We're doomed!" General Sung looks through a telescope at the failed attack on the drill

Sokka slaps general hard on the face "Get a hold of yourself man!"

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"Maybe you'd like the Avatar's help now? " Toph asks

"Yes, please."

General Sung, Aang , Katzumi, Sokka, Toph and Momo watch as Katara spreads the blue energies of her healing technique over the arm of one of the fallen warriors.

"What's wrong with him? He doesn't look injured." General Sung asks

"His Chi is blocked. Who did this to you?" Katara asks the soldier

"Two girls ambushed us, one of them hit me with a bunch of quick jabs, and suddenly I couldn't earthbend, and I could barely move...and then she cart wheeled away."

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