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"Don't really trust a lot
I keep a side of me
Under Wraps"


Aang wakes instantly as he looks around panicky. It is night and I opened one eye and then went back to sleep. He disturbs Momo, who wakes up Sokka while trying to get away, Sokka ready with his knife and boomerang.

"Katzumi, Sokka wake up"Aang shakes my shoulder

"Huh? Uh... what's going on? Did we get captured again?"Sokka asked

"It's nothing, I just had a bad dream. Go back to sleep." Aang said

"Don't have to tell me twice." Sokka groaned and rolled over back to sleep. I looked backed up to see Aang with a panicked face

"Are you all right, Aang?" I asked

"I'm okay."Aang said

"You seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately, you wanna tell me about it?" i ask him. These nightmares were too much

"I think I just need some rest."Aang admits looking at me

" You guys want to hear about my dream?.....That's ok, I didn't wanna talk about it anyway."Sokka said I give him a look and I go back to sleep

"Look at those clear skies, buddy! Should be some smooth flying." Aang tells appa

"Well, we better smoothly fly ourselves to a market, cause we're out of food."Katara said

"Guys, wait, this was in my dream, we shouldn't go to the market."Sokka says

"What happened in your dream?"I asked

"Food eats people!"Sokka yelled.Soon Katara hit him over the head.

We stop right by a harbor, Appa lies in the water next to one of the jetties as if he were a ship. Katara and I were examining a fruit at a produce stand in the harbor. The shopkeeper is clearly annoyed at our suspicion

"Ah, it's good! It's perfect, I'm telling you!"The shopkeeper told us Katara shakes the fruit which makes a swishing sound.

"I don't know if I like the sound of that swishing."Katara said. The shopkeeper comes around the stand to face us. Aang and Sokka wait to the left of the produce stand. Sokka carries a basket of fruit.

"I just realized we're out of money anyway."Katara puts the fruit down

The shopkeeper kicks Sokka as he walks by. we walk back on the dock were  An old fisherman and his wife walk

"Out of food and out of money, now what are we supposed to do?"Sokka groaned

"You could get a job, smart guy."I suggested to him

"We shouldn't go out there! Please, the fish can wait. There's going to be a terrible storm."We over hear and old woman talking to her husband

"Ahh, you're crazy! It's a nice day. No clouds, no wind, no nothing, so quit you're naggin' woman." The man yelled

"Maybe we should find some shelter?"Aang told me

"Are you kidding? Shelter from what?" Sokka asked

" Then I'll find a new fish hauler and pay him double what you get! How do you like that?" The old fisherman yelled at his wife who was walking away

"I'll go!" Sokka yelled at the old man

"You're hired!" He said

" What? You said 'get a job' and he's paying double." Sokka told us

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