The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion

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"I can't escape from your gentle scent 
That helps me calm, feel at ease
This is the love that we share again
That shines through our galaxy"


"Top of the morning, Momo!" Aang happily says

"Sounds like you slept well." Katzumi smiles

"Like a baby moose lion. I'm ready to face the Fire Lord." Aang says

"So what's your strategy for taking him down? Going to get your glow on and hit him with a little Avatar State action? " Toph asks

"I can't. When Azula shot me with lightning, my 7th chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the Universe." Aang sadly says

"You know what I just? heard Blah blah spiritual mumbo jumbo blah blah something about Space."

Katara looks left only to see a thick fog off the horizon

"Oh no. Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?" Katara asks

"No, that is an invasion. "

5 Water Tribe ships appear out of the fog.

Katara and Sokka run towards their father with Katara proceeding to embrace him.

"You made it Dad!" Katara yells

"Were you able to locate everyone I told you to find?"

"I did. But I'm a little worried, Sokka. Some of these men aren't exactly the warrior type."

"Whooo-where. This place ain't nothing like a swamp." He Points to a rock "What'd you reckon that is, Tho? Some sort of exploding Fire Nation exploding trap that would eat ya?" Due asks

"It's just a rock, Due."

"Well, I'll be."

"Is it just me, or are those fellas a little loose in the leaf head?" Hakoda asks

"I just wish they would wear pants."

"Pants are an illusion and so is death."

Toph Turns around with a look of surprise

"No way. Is that..." A pair of huge hands appear and carries Toph up only to reveal The Hippo.

"Hippo happy to see Blind Bandit!" He yells in delight

"You guys here for a re-match?" Toph defensively 

"Negatory. The Boulder and The Hippo no longer fight for others' entertainment. Now, we fight for our Kingdom!" He raises both arms up in enthusiasm.


Sokka watches the whole scene a short distance away. He turns his head towards his Father. Suddenly, a boat explodes behind Sokka and Hakoda, shocking them both as they proceed to run towards it. The Mechanist appears from the lower deck, his face covered with orange goo, coughing. 

"Was that a new invention?" Sokka asks

"Yes." Teo is seen licking the orange goo off his hands "But unfortunately, the incendiary capabilities of peanut sauce proved to be a failure."

"Were you able to complete work on the plans I sent you?" Sokka asks

"Yes, I was and I think the Fire Nation would be quite surprised."

"Aang," Teo takes a pole-like object from his wheelchair "my Dad & I made this for you."

The blue "wings" pop out from the sides.

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