The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Capture

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"I was weak then and you knew it
I was so weak then and you proved it"


Sokka, Bato, and an earthbender examine a map on the ground from behind the tanks.

Sokka looks up and sees Katara helping Hakoda through the plaza's large doorways. He is holding his side, still wounded.

"Dad! You're on your feet again." Sokka smiles

Sokka, Katzumi, and Toph run towards Katara and Hakoda. Katara lets Hakoda sit down.

"Thanks to your sister. I'm in no shape to fight but maybe there is someway I could help." Hakoda explains

"Everything's going smoothly and the eclipse hasn't even kicked in yet."Sokka says

"Let's hope our luck holds out. Katara, you seem distracted. Is something wrong?"

Katzumi takes a few steps forward and looks out in the distance

"Yeah... Is that... is that Aang?" Katzumi asks

"What?" Sokka asks him

Aang glides towards them, dodging the numerous fireballs. He lands in front of his friends.

"Please tell you're here because the Fire Lord turned out to be a big wimp and you didn't even need the eclipse to take him down?" Sokka asks

"He wasn't home. No one was. The entire palace city is abandoned."

Sokka gasps in shock

"They knew."

"it's over. The Fire Lord is probably long gone. Far away on some remote island where he'll be safe during the eclipse." Aang says

"No wait, I remember about an emergency bunker. He'd be safe during the invasion but close enough to lead the nation.... But I forgot the exact location" Katzumi sighed

"If it's an underground secret bunker we're looking for, I'm just the girl to find it." Toph smiles

Sokka pulls out a small device resembling a pocket watch. It ticks, and there is a dial and notches on one section of it.

"The Mechanist gave me this timing device. It looks like we've got about 10 minutes until the full eclipse. 10 minutes to find the Fire Lord." Sokka says

"We can still do this. We can still win the day." Aang says

"Wait. If they knew we were coming, it could all be a trap. Maybe we should use the time we have left to make sure all of us get out of here safely." Katara says

"Everyone who's here today came prepared to risk everything for this mission. They know what's at stake. If there's still a chance and there's still hope, I think they would want Aang to go for it." Hakoda explains

"What do you think? You're the one who has to face the Fire Lord. Whatever you decide, I'm with you."

"I've got to try."

"Do you feel anything down there?" Aang asks

"Yep. There are natural tunnels criss-crossing through the inside of the volcano." Toph puts her hand to the ground

"Anything else? Is there a structure somewhere?" Sokka asks

Toph extends her hands to each side before plunging them into the ground, gripping the earth with her fingers "There's something big, dense, and made of metal deep in the heart of the volcano."

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