The freedom fighters

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"Do whatever make you feel good
Hesitate make it feel good for the meantime
Drag it out for the longest
Waiting on you for the longest"


A pale blue sky, paints the sky it was truly beautiful. The trees are blanketed in leaves of fiery reds and oranges; there is just a hint of green left on one or two. The air is alive with the CHIRPS and WHIRRS of insects. It reminds me so much of home.

We currently we're Putting our stuff on Apps for our next trip

" flying this time." Sokka tells us halting our process 

"What?" Katara asks

"Why wouldn't we fly?"I ask him

"Think about it. Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa—he's just too noticeable." sokka informs us

"What! Appa's not too noticeable!"

"He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head—it's kinda hard to miss him!" Sokka yells

" I know you all want to fly, but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk."

We all groan.

"Who knows—walking might be fun."Aang says as he grabs a bag and puts it around him

Who know this might be fun

"Walking stinks! How do people go anywhere without a flying bison?" Aang groans

"I don't know Aang. Why don't you ask Sokka's instincts—they seem to know everything." Katara says

"Ha ha. Very funny."

"That's a great idea! Hey, Sokka's Instincts, would you mind—" Aang yells out *those two goofballs*

I'm more focused on the scenery. It was beautiful

"It's not so bad looks at the scenery don't ya think?" I tell the group trying to cheer them up

"Eh..try asking Sokka's Instincts" Katara tells me. Okay now that was funny

"Okay, okay—I get it. Look guys, I'm tired too. But the important thing is that-- --we're safe from...the— --Fire...Nation..." Sokka stops midway as he looks on

We join Sokka and walk into a clearing with a Fire Nation encampment in it. On the opposite end of the clearing are three Pavilion tents, and an active fire pit with logs as benches on two sides. The camp is occupied.

" uh oh" I whisper

"RUN!" Aang yells

The soldiers leap up from the logs, swords out. As they charge at us. In a blur Aang brings out his glider and gets in front of me protecting me

"Sokka, your shirt!" We yell Sokka looks, and yells in panic.

I quickly bend the fire

We were surrounded the soldiers all around.

"If you let us pass, we promise not to hurt you." Sokka tells the soldiers

"You? Promise not to hurt us?" the captain Ask again not believing us. Oh he'd be surprised

There is a quiet ZIP and THUD. The Captain looks surprised for a moment, then groans and collapses face first on the ground.                                                                                                                  

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