Part 5

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Blyke's POV
"Found it!" I hear John yell out from his room.

I walk over to his room and open the door, shouting in an annoyed tone. "Can you be any louder? I'm trying to study over here!"

"Shit, did I say that out loud?", John mumbles to himself. He took a second to reply. "Yeah, of course, I can be louder." He retorts.

That little-

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice John holding something covered in dust.

A memory book? I wonder what's in there.

At that moment, a great idea struck me.


I slam the door and rummage through a desk drawer, frantically searching for a certain object of importance.

My phone! Where is it? Not there, not next to my notebook, it's not charging, either.

I mentally facepalm myself as I see the glass object in the most obvious place it could've been, but I hadn't searched in, somehow.

There it is! Of course, it was on my bed. How could I have missed it?

I look through my texts and find Isen.

(Bold will be Blyke, and regular will be Isen.)

[I found something that might interest you.]



[Of John when he was younger.]



[OK, show me.]

[There's a problem.]


[John's in his room.]

[So? Just text me when he's not in his dorm, and I'll come.]


I press the power button, locking my phone screen to pause and think.

Why is Isen so interested in John? Well, I got to admit, I'm a bit curious as to what I'll find in that book.

John's POV
"Tch" Seems like he's in a bad mood today.


Not like I care.

I glide my hands along with the dusty, yet smooth cover of my book of memories. I open it to the first page. There, my eyes glance at a picture of me as a baby, my dad, and a woman.

Could that be... mom? Damnit, someone cropped her off the photo!

Even though I can't see her face, I see that she has long, luscious blond hair.

"You can't miss someone you've never had.", A voice in my head taunts me.

Sometimes I wish I remember Mom. I wonder what life would be like with her.

Definitely different.

I flip to the next page, which I see a picture of Adrion and I, licking our ice cream cones. I recall that day very vividly.

"Hey, John!" Adrion called out to me, getting my attention.

"Yeah? What is it?"

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